Knjižne novosti

Handbuch Projektmanagement : agil - klassich - hybrid

Handbuch Projektmanagement : agil - klassich - hybrid

Emerging ecologies : architecture and the rise of environmentalism : a field guide

Emerging ecologies : architecture and the rise of environmentalism : a field guide

CHAN, Carson, WAGSTAFFE, Matthew (urednika)
Framing places : mediating power in built form

Framing places : mediating power in built form

The Cambridge handbook of creativity

The Cambridge handbook of creativity

KAUFMAN, James C., STERNBERG, Robert J. (urednika)
Archigram : the book

Archigram : the book

CHALK, Warren idr.
Living the 1.5 degree lifestyle : why individual climate action matters more than ever

Living the 1.5 degree lifestyle : why individual climate action matters more than ever

ALTER, Lloyd
Universal design : creating inclusive environments

Universal design : creating inclusive environments

STEINFELD, Edward, MAISEL, Jordana
Spoznanje! Upor! Reakcija! : performans in politika v devetdesetih letih v pojugoslovanskem kontekstu

Spoznanje! Upor! Reakcija! : performans in politika v devetdesetih letih v pojugoslovanskem kontekstu

PIŠKUR, Bojana
The Split case : density, intensity, resilience

The Split case : density, intensity, resilience

RADOVIĆ, Darko (urednik)
Small Tokyo

Small Tokyo

RADOVIĆ, Darko, BOONTHARM, Davisi (urednika)
Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov : kje se skriva ključ do debelih vrednosti v prodornih organizacijah?

Oblikovanje poslovnih modelov : kje se skriva ključ do debelih vrednosti v prodornih organizacijah?

SAVIĆ, Marko
The most beautiful house in the world

The most beautiful house in the world

The tell-tale brain : a neuroscientist's quest for what makes us human

The tell-tale brain : a neuroscientist's quest for what makes us human

In the search of urban quality : 100 maps of Kuhonbutsugawa Street, Jiyugaoka

In the search of urban quality : 100 maps of Kuhonbutsugawa Street, Jiyugaoka

Natječaji 2022.

Natječaji 2022.

Čovjek i prostor, br. 9/12
Nagrade i nominacije - Uha 2022.

Nagrade i nominacije - Uha 2022.

Čovjek i prostor, br. 5/8
Mn'M workbook 2 : Tokyo dérive - in search of urban intensities

Mn'M workbook 2 : Tokyo dérive - in search of urban intensities

RADOVIĆ, Darko (urednik)
Mn'M workbook 1 : intensities in ten cities

Mn'M workbook 1 : intensities in ten cities

RADOVIĆ, Darko (urednik)
Krize in novi začetki : umetnost v Sloveniji 2005-2015

Krize in novi začetki : umetnost v Sloveniji 2005-2015

SOBAN, Tamara, ŠPANJOL, Igor (urednika)
KONS-TR 3 : konstrukcija nove ere

KONS-TR 3 : konstrukcija nove ere

POTOČNIK, Tina (urednica)
Godišnjak hrvatske arhitekture 2022.

Godišnjak hrvatske arhitekture 2022.

Čovjek i prostor, br. 1/4
Buildings across time : an introduction to world architecture

Buildings across time : an introduction to world architecture

FAZIO, Michael W., MOFFETT, Marian, WODEHOUSE, Lawrence
Structure for architects : a case study in steel, wood, and reinforced concrete design

Structure for architects : a case study in steel, wood, and reinforced concrete design

BEDI, Ashwani, DABBY, Ramsey


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