Knjižne novosti

Tipologija bohinjskih planin ter usmeritve za vzdrževanje in obnovo planšarskih objektov

Tipologija bohinjskih planin ter usmeritve za vzdrževanje in obnovo planšarskih objektov

DEU, Živa
Iščem stanovanje --- : sto let organizirane stanovanjske gradnje

Iščem stanovanje --- : sto let organizirane stanovanjske gradnje

BRAČIČ, Ajda (urednica)
Inscriptions : architecture before speech

Inscriptions : architecture before speech

HAYS, K. Michael in HOLDER, Andrew (urednika)
Building in timber : room modules

Building in timber : room modules

HUSS, Wolfgang idr.
Architectural research methods

Architectural research methods

GROAT, Linda N. in WANG, David
Locsin : Leandro Valencia : Filipino architect

Locsin : Leandro Valencia : Filipino architect

GIRARD, Jean-Claude
Expo 58 i jugoslavenski paviljon Vjenceslava Richtera

Expo 58 i jugoslavenski paviljon Vjenceslava Richtera

Detailing Plečnik : matter and metaphor in Jože Plečnik’s architecture

Detailing Plečnik : matter and metaphor in Jože Plečnik’s architecture

Študentska delavnica (Mentor: prof. dr. Ákos Moravánszky)
Conceptual joining : wood structures from detail to utopia

Conceptual joining : wood structures from detail to utopia

ALLNER, Lukas (urednik)
The city as a project

The city as a project

AURELI, Pier Vittorio (urednik)
Architectural guide : New York : a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020

Architectural guide : New York : a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020

Lina Bo Bardi : the theory of architectural practice

Lina Bo Bardi : the theory of architectural practice

VEIKOS, Cathrine (urednik)
3D Printing Architecture : workflows, applications, and trends

3D Printing Architecture : workflows, applications, and trends

BAÑÓN, Carlos in RASPALL, Félix
Architecture for health

Architecture for health

NICKL WELLER, Christine in NICKL, Hans (urednika)
Architectural presentation

Architectural presentation

BIELEFELD, Bert (urednik)
Bogdanović by Bogdanović : Yugoslav memorials through the eyes of their architect

Bogdanović by Bogdanović : Yugoslav memorials through the eyes of their architect

KULIĆ, Vladimir (urednik)
The green imperative : ecology and ethics in design and architecture

The green imperative : ecology and ethics in design and architecture

PAPANEK, Victor Josef
LUZ 60 : 60 let Ljubljanskega urbanističnega zavoda

LUZ 60 : 60 let Ljubljanskega urbanističnega zavoda

JORDAN, Ferdo idr.
Louis I. Kahn

Louis I. Kahn

McCARTER, Robert