sketch & script workshop
23rd - 27th of September 2024, Ljubljana by co+re Davisi Boontharm and Darko Radović, co-organised by Katarina Čakš and Tadej Urh
Objavljeno27. 8. 2024

> the workshop will take place in Ljubljana and surrounding towns, accessible by train
> students of all years from architectural and urban studies are invited to participate
> the discussions will take place in English language, as part of the group will consist of japanese students from Keio University
> applications by 2nd of September
> for application, please send an example of one or more of your hand drawings / doodles / sketches / graphics to or
Sketch & Script is simultaneously an open-minded means of knowing and a tool for production of knowledge which intertwines visual and textual methods of inquiry in the search of urban quality. It argues for the recognition of visual essay of a thinking hand, seeing it as equally important to textual treatises of a feeling mind.
In this workshop, the participants will engage in the exploration of subjectivity in the investigation of the urban. The emphasis is not on improving skill of (re) presentation but in critically and creatively approach to the observation with open mind.
Rok za prijavo je 2. september!