Benetke – Biennale 2022

  • Seminar
  • Organizator
    seminar Ifko
  • Študijsko leto

B I E N N A L E A R T E 2 0 2 2
Citati iz izjave Cecilije Alemani, kustosinje za letošnji umetniški Biennale:

“The Milk of Dreams takes its title from a book by Leonora Carrington (1917–2011)
in which the Surrealist artist describes a magical world where life is constantly
re-envisioned through the prism of the imagination. It is a world where everyone
can change, be transformed, become something or someone else; a world set free,
brimming with possibilities.”

“These are some of the guiding questions for this edition of the Biennale Arte,
which focuses on three thematic areas in particular: the representation of bodies
and their metamorphoses; the relationship between individuals and technologies;
the connection between bodies and the Earth.”

“Today, the world seems dramatically split between technological optimism −
which promises that the human body can be endlessly perfected through science
− and the dread of a complete takeover by machines via automation and artificial
intelligence. This rift has widened during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has forced
us even further apart and caged much of human interaction behind the screens of
electronic devices.”

“This wide-ranging, transhistorical approach traces kinships and affinities between
artistic methods and practices, even across generations, to create new layers of
meaning and bridge present and past. What emerges is a historical narrative that
is not built around systems of direct inheritance or conflict, but around forms of
symbiosis, solidarity, and sisterhood.”