The Markets of Split 2022

  • Datum in čas
    04. 9. 2022
  • Lokacija

Zbiramo prijave za mednarodno arhitekturno-urbanistično študentsko delavnico, ki bo potekala v Splitu med 4.-12.9.

" alt="The Markets of Split 2022"/>

Starting with (un)structured explorations of the Markets of Split, co+re WS 2O22 begins from one of the basic, survival human needs, food – the practices of its (co)production, (co)distribution, (co)appreciation, (co)evaluation – or (re)production, (re)distribution, (re)appreciation, (re)evaluation, setting the stage for creative investigations (research) and responses (design) ….

Participants: University of Split + co+re.partnership Davisi Boontharm, Darko Radović + Keio University, Tokyo + University of Ljubljana + Universidad de las Américas, Quito + Politecnico di Milano

Zbiramo prijave za mednarodno arhitekturno-urbanistično študentsko delavnico, ki bo potekala v Splitu med 4.-12.9. Delavnica je primerna za 3.-5. letnik, študentov arhitekture in urbanizma. Stroške prevoza, nočitve krijejo študentje sami. Delavnica je akreditiran s točkami.

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