Štipendije za izmenjave (+ prakse) na TU Graz
Koroška banka Sparkasse razpisuje štipendije za enoletne izmenjave na Graški tehnični univerzi, v kombinaciji z dvomesečnimi praksami. Prijave neposredno na povezavi pri razpisovalcu. Gre za izmenjave izven programa Erasmus, izbor vrši gostitelj.
Objavljeno26. 10. 2022
RubrikaMednarodne izmenjave — Odhajajoči študentje
Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank in Graz is financing a 1-year study opportunity at TU Graz.
The scholarship is called Best of South-East and it is a 1 year Work & Study Career Opportunity in Graz aiming at talented and dedicated students in and from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. While completing a study year abroad at TU Graz, the chosen students also complete a 2-month internship in a company in Graz or the surroundings of Graz.
Therefore, we would appreciate, if you shared the programme with your students and within your networks. Please find attached promotion material that you could use to send to your students. The online application is open until December 1, 2022 for the academic year 2023/2024.
Students can find information on
- the Best of South-East Programme (general information)
- application requirements
- application procedure
- application deadlines
- scholarship
- their stay at TU Graz