Štipendije za izmenjave na Poljskem

Nacionalna agencija za akademske izmenjave republike Poljske vabi k prijavam na razpis štupendij za študente in raziskovalce v okviru Zawacka NAWA programa. Navodila: Interested candidates are kindly asked to contact NAWA at the address: wymiana@nawa.gov.pl. They are asked to name in the e-mail the host institution in Poland and specify the form of education for […]

  • Objavljeno
    15. 5. 2023
  • Rubrika
    Mednarodne izmenjave Odhajajoči študentje

Nacionalna agencija za akademske izmenjave republike Poljske vabi k prijavam na razpis štupendij za študente in raziskovalce v okviru Zawacka NAWA programa. Navodila: Interested candidates are kindly asked to contact NAWA at the address: wymiana@nawa.gov.pl. They are asked to name in the e-mail the host institution in Poland and specify the form of education for which they are applying. Then we will send them a link to register in our ICT System.

Rok za prijave je do 31. maja 2023.