Ciklus predavanj: Slovenski paviljon na Expu 2020 v Dubaju / Slovenian Pavilion EXPO 2020 Dubai – arh. ROBERT KLUN
09. 03. 2023 bomo v VURNIKOVI PREDAVALNICI gostili slovenskega arhitekta Roberta Kluna, ki s svojimi arhitekturnimi projekti osvaja arabski svet.
Objavljeno28. 2. 2023
Robert Klun graduated at UL FA in 1999. He worked with P. Mc Keith (Helsinki), P. Gabrijelčič (Ljubljana), prof. B. Podrecca (Vienna). He joined KLUN AMBIENTI. In 2006 Robert Klun was selected for president of Slovenian design association. He collaborated with IDCO – Chamber of Commerce, CEED Slovenia, Serbian architectural and design organisation. He established the consortium MAGNET DESIGN studio, with the aim of starting and supporting relevant projects for the Slovenian economy.
Robert is working as an architect, designer, investor, entrepreneur on the field of real-estate, urbanism, architectural, design and development projects. MAGNET DESIGN successfully completed projects as: Canary Hills Compound in KSA, Marriot Hotel in Riyadh, Starwood Aloft in Riyadh and Dhahran, and the concept design of Slovenian pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai in 2019.