Gostujoče predavanje THE SPACE WITHIN: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture

Vljudno vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje prof. Roberta McCarterja z naslovom The Space Within: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture, ki bo v četrtek 13.10. ob 19ih v Plečnikovi predavalnici.

  • Objavljeno
    7. 10. 2022
Gostujoče predavanje  THE SPACE WITHIN: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture

“Throughout human history, interior space and its experience has served as both the beginning, the initial inspiration for the design of architecture, as well as the end, the final purpose of architecture, as it is evaluated through inhabitation. Since the beginning of the modern period, and continuing today, pivotal discoveries in architectural design may be traced back to a generative ideal of intimate interior experience, and the quality of the interior spatial experience of the inhabitants may be shown to be both the primary determinant of the architectural design process, as well as the means of appropriately evaluating a work of architecture after it is built. This lecture argues that architecture is primarily concerned not with what a building looks like, but with what a building is like to live in; with how a building’s spaces are ordered to house the activities that take place within it; how a building engages its place and the history of human occupation that has taken place there; how a building is built, how it is structured, and of what materials it is made; and how these all affect what is experienced by those who inhabit it.” – Robert McCarter.

Robert McCarter is a practicing architect, author, and Ruth and Norman Moore Professor of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis since 2007. He has also taught at the University of Florida, Columbia University, and at five other institutions. During his 36 years in academia, McCarter has taught at least one design studio every semester, and he has taught more than 2,000 students. He has had his own architectural practice since 1982, in New York, Florida and St. Louis, with twenty-five realized buildings. He is the author of twenty-four published books to date, including Louis I. Kahn (2nd edition 2022); Place Matters: The Architecture of WG Clark (2019); Grafton Architects (2018); Marcel Breuer (2016); The Space Within: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture (2016); Steven Holl (2015); Aldo van Eyck (2015); Herman Hertzberger (2015); Alvar Aalto (2014); Carlo Scarpa (2013); Understanding Architecture: A Primer on Architecture as Experience (2012, with Juhani Pallasmaa); Louis I. Kahn (2005), and Frank Lloyd Wright (1997). Among other awards and honors, the curators of the 2018 Venice Biennale of Architecture selected McCarter as an International Exhibitor, and his exhibit was entitled “Freespace in Place: Four Unrealized Modern Architectural Designs for Venice; Carlo Scarpa’s Quattro progetti per Venezia Revisited;” and he was named one of the “Ten Best Architecture Teachers in the US” in December 2009.

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