Filip Šenk – Prepričljive oblike in neposredni prostor
Datum in čas16. 4. 2024 ob 17:00
LokacijaPlečnikova predavalnica na UL FA
Organizatorasist. Uroš Mikanovič
Gostujoče predavanje
Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje Filipa Šenka. Predavanje bo v torek 16. 4. 2024 ob 17:00 v Plečnikovi predavalnici na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerze v Ljubljani. Predavanje o prostoru, kraju in umetnostnem delu.
Kraja ni mogoče ločiti od opazovalca in v vsakem kraju se kljub jasno določenim mejam srečamo tudi z neskončnostjo in fluidnostjo prostora. Umetniški izraz je tisti, ki nam omogoča to napetost in to odprto stičišče videti od znotraj: da sodelujemo pri ustvarjanju kraja in pri odvijanju umetnosti.
Filip Šenk je umetnostni zgodovinar in filozof, ki se ukvarja na teorije prostora in kraja v umetnosti in arhitekturi. Je predstojnik Oddelka za umetnostno zgodovino in teorijo na Fakulteti za umetnost in arhitekturo na Tehniški univerzi Liberec na Češkem. Predavanje je organizirano v okviru programa Erasmus+.
In my lecture I will use the concepts of “place” and “space” as an accurate way to capture the contemporary world, especially the direct experience of the lived world. And I will refer to the exhibition CO-EXTENSIVE (Marion Baruch, Larry Bell, Michał Budny, Angela Bulloch, Simon Callery, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anthony McCall, Jaromír Novotný, Robert Šalanda) which I prepared for the Rudolfinum Gallery in Prague at the end of 2023.
I am interested in topologically oriented thinking (or forms of thinking close to it), which reflects formed relationships and connections better than rigid formal analysis. I am most interested in continuity and moments of interpenetration that accurately capture the experience of the contemporary lived world (continuity over fragmentation). Such an approach highlights the relationships and connections between formed forms and contingent moments, as well as manifesting the ambiguity of concreteness and generalization, as well as direct bodily presence and highly abstract (scientific) thinking.
These relations make it possible to capture and grasp some key moments of the actual human situation. In particular, the strong tendency towards the placelessness of the modern environment. The exhibition therefore emphasized the situatedness. Place cannot be separated from its observer and in every place, despite its clearly defined boundaries, we also encounter the infinity and fluidity of space. It is artistic expression that allows us to see this tension and open interface from the inside: to participate in the making of place and the happening of art.
Vljudno vabljeni!
asist. Uroš Mikanovič