Doctoral Programme in Architecture (DRŠA)
Level or type of study programmeThird cycle, Doctoral Programme in Architecture (DRŠA)
Study duration4 years
Number of ECTS credits per study year240 KT
Programme typeFull-time
Academic, professional or artistic titleDoktor znanosti / Doktorica znanosti

KLASIUS-SRVDoctoral education (third Bologna cycle / doctorate of science)
KLASIUS-P and KLASIUS-P-16Architecture and Urbanism / Architecture, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism
Field of study as per ISCEDArchitecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering (58)
Scientific research disciplines as per Frascati classificationsTechnical Sciences / Biotechnical Sciences / Social Sciences / Humanities
SQF Level10
EQF Level8
EHEQF LevelThird cycle
The programme trains independent scientific researchers for the broadest areas of architecture who demonstrate both responsibility towards the cultural environment, as well as cross-culturally comparable excellence. Architects are responsible for the significance of architectural design, the quality of buildings and their harmony with the environment, all while showcasing respect for natural and urban landscapes which are of public interest. With regards to the quality of the physical environment, public interest is safeguarded by Slovenian and European legislation.
- in–depth understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts deriving from the essence of architecture as science and art, and directly or indirectly related to architecture;
- qualification to independently develop new knowledge in the area of architecture as a generic field and/or in narrowly specified topics that are of significance in architecture and its connectedness with other areas;
- qualification to solve the most demanding problems by testing and improving established and discovering new solutions in achieving quality in architecture;
- qualification to manage the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects in a wide professional or scientific scope of spatial planning and design, emphasizing the quality of architectural space;
- qualification to develop critical reflection – social, group and personal research and/or creation.
- qualification to convey and communicate research results in the following cases:
- qualification of publishing scientific, professional and popular (for non–expert public) papers and other publications in the field of architecture
- qualification for transfer of scientific achievements and knowledge into architectural practice.
- ability to develop architectural design methodologies while balancing aesthetics with technique, with special emphasis on the culturally sensitive context of architectural space,
- the ability to develop fundamental research in historical, theoretical and critical topics within the intersection of art, technology and social sciences, in addition to an in-depth understanding of such topics,
- a strong understanding of the influence of art on quality in architectural design, coupled with the ability to advance such theories further,
- the capability to further develop urbanistic theory and methodologies,
- in-depth understanding of relationships between people, their needs, mutual relations, buildings and the environment, coupled with the ability to advance such theories further,
- the capability to further develop methodologies of architectural management, especially in terms of preparing conceptual designs,
- the capability to develop and manage interdisciplinary applied research methods for purposes of architectural design,
- in-depth understanding of construction-technical knowledge and the capacity to develop it further,
- ability to develop applied methods for the resolution of technological issues, especially when it comes to comfort, safety, and protection from climate factors,
- capability to conduct comprehensive research on cost-effectiveness and create development bases for building regulations,
- in-depth understanding of a comprehensive spatial planning system, and the capacity to develop it further.
The enrolment criteria for the Doctoral Study Programme in Architecture are as follows:
- a completed second-cycle study programme (a Bologna master’s degree);
- a completed study programme for a profession regulated under EU directives, or another single-cycle master’s study programme evaluated with 300 ECTS;
- a completed university-level study programme, adopted prior to 11. 6. 2004;
- a completed specialist study programme upon conclusion of a professional study programme at a higher education institution, providing that the candidate has obtained at least 30 ECTS in the following subjects of the Single-Cycle Master Study Programme Architecture:
Architectural Theory and Critique,
Introduction to Research in Architecture and Urbanism,
Theory of Physical and Regional Planning,
Action Planning and Strategic Assessment,
Design Concepts,
Countryside Settlement Culture,
Art History,
Comprehensive Preservation of Built Heritage,
Computer Supported Architecture, and
Concepts of Structures.
Graduates from foreign universities can also apply to the doctoral degree programme. The recognition procedure of foreign qualifications is carried out within the process of Recognition of Education for Continuing Education, in accordance with the Statues of the University of Ljubljana.
In case of limited enrolment (if there are more candidates who meet enrolment requirements than there are enrolment places), candidates are selected according to the following criteria:
performance at a second-cycle study programme (20% of the total assessment score), orperformance at a single-cycle master’s study programme, comprising 300 ECTS, or performance at another university-level study programme, or performance at a specialist study programme following completion of a professional degree programme, and additional exams, determined under the criteria for enrolment;
The grading consists of:
- the average grade in the study programme (15%),
- the grade of the BA or MA thesis (5%);
- performance in the admission exam (80% of the total score). The admission exam consists of a written and oral part and comprises the following:
- A written and oral presentation of a draft of a doctoral study plan, prepared in accordance with the Rules and Procedures for Obtaining the title Doctor of Science at the Faculty of Architecture (60%);
- Recommendations from recognized researchers (10%);
- Proof of research work conducted prior to admission in the programme (10%).
The examination and grading systems allow students to follow their progress and review their achievements and competences.
Students are examined and graded for each subject separately; the examination methods used are detailed within the curricula.Examination procedures and grading systems are outlined by the Statues of the University of Ljubljana, Articles 128 through 150. Additionally, some member faculties adopt their own rules and regulations on examination and grading.
Exam results are announced on faculty notice boards or online, on their websites. Using their enrolment number or another type of password, students can access their results online and compare their performance with that of their peers. Feedback on student performance is sometimes given in the form of commendations and recognition awards, reserved for the most successful students.
In accordance with Article 138 of the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, exam performance is graded as follows:
10 – (excellent: outstanding performance with minor errors)
9 – (very good: above-average knowledge with some errors)
8 – (good: solid results)
7 – (satisfactory: fair knowledge, but with significant shortcomings)
6 – (sufficient: knowledge meets minimum criteria)
5 – (unsatisfactory: knowledge does not meet minimum criteria)
The candidate successfully passes the exam if their grade is in the range between satisfactory (6) and excellent (10).
In doctoral study programmes, performance can also be graded with the marks:
– not completed
– completed
– completed with distinction
The type of grading used at the doctoral level is determined by the specific study programme.
The grading methodologies used within the Doctoral Study Programme in Architecture are specified within the curricula of individual subjects.
Progression criteria
To progress from Year 1 to Year 2, the student is required to do the following:
- complete the general module,
- prepare a written and oral presentation of their doctoral study plan; the presentation is considered completed when the plan is confirmed by both the Doctoral Studies Committee and the Faculty of Architecture Senate.
- obtain a minimum of 45 ECTS in Year 1.
To progress from Year 2 to Year 3, the student is required to do the following:
- complete the architectural and the interdisciplinary modules,
- prepare a written and oral presentation of their doctoral study plan; the presentation is considered completed, when the plan is confirmed by the Doctoral Studies Committee, the Committee for Doctoral Student Monitoring, and the Faculty of Architecture Senate.
- obtain a minimum of 60 ECTS.
To progress from Year 3 to Year 4, the student is required to do the following:
- present a progress report of research results at a doctoral seminar or conference,
- have an approved doctoral research topic at the University of Ljubljana,
- obtain a minimum of 120 ECTS.
To complete their studies, students must complete obligations in all selected subjects, complete their individual research work, prepare a doctoral dissertation, present their research results in front of their mentor (and co-mentor), present those same results to the Committee for Doctoral Student Monitoring, publish an original scientific article in an internationally recognized publication or a chapter within a monography (in accordance with the habilitation criteria of UL and FA). Finally, they must successfully defend their dissertation. The dissertation is reviewed by the Committee for Doctoral Student Monitoring in accordance with the rules and regulations of both the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Architecture.
- ČERVEK, Jernej. Model reciklažnega urbanizma na primeru mesta Murska Sobota. (Model of recycling urbanism in the case study of the city of Murska Sobota.) Mentorica: prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA).
- LAVTIŽAR, Kristijan. Vpliv arhitekturno-urbanističnih dejavnikov na kakovost zraka v izobraževalnih zavodih. (The impact of architectural and urban attributes on air quality in educational institutions.) Mentorica: prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA).
- COTIČ, Tina. Začasna raba prostora kot dejavnik revitalizacije degradiranih urbanih območij mesta Koper. (Temporary use of space as a factor in the revitalisation of degraded urban areas in the city of Koper.) Mentorica: prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA), somentorja: doc. dr. Boštjan Bugarič (UP FHŠ), izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Uršič (FDV).
- VRANIĆ, Dubravka. Arhitektura, moč in politika v Novem Zagrebu. (Architecture, power and politics in New Zagreb.) Mentor: prof. mag. Tadej Glažar (FA), somentor: reader dr. Tahl Kaminer (Cardiff University).
- GROHAR, Jure. Razširjene strategije sodobne arhitekture. (Expanded strategies of contemporary architecture.) Mentor: prof. mag. Vasa Perović (FA), somentorica: prof. ddr. Petra Čeferin (FA).
- GROM, Janez Peter. Vpliv utrdbenih sistemov Rapalske meje na razvoj prostora. (The impact of the Rapallo border fortification systems on spatial development.) Mentorica: prof.dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA).
- JUUL NIELSEN, Birgite. Grajenje relacijskih prostorov. (Building Relational Spaces.)Mentorica: prof.dr. Tadeja Zupančič (FA), somentor: Prof. MSO, Ph.D. Claus Peder Pedersen (Aarhus School of Architecture). Na podlagi pogodbe o skupnem mentorstu med UL in Aarhus School of Architecture je predvidena dvojna diploma. (Double degree between the University of Ljubljana and the Aarhus School of Architecture is based on the agreement aimed at the joint supervision of doctoral students.)
- BOGDANOVA, Viktorija. Čustveno vživljanje skozi pesem-risbo v oblikovanju prostora. (Emotive Immersion through Poem-drawing in Spatial Design.) Mentorica: prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič (FA), somentor: doc. Paul O Robinson (FA).
- POTOČNIK, Irena. Vrednotenje varovane arhitekturne dediščine z vidika arhitekturne dokumentacije. (Evaluation of architectural heritage from the viewpoint of architectural documentation.) Mentor: izr. prof. Jurij Kober (FA, upok.), somentorica: doc. dr. Mojca Kosmatin Fras (FGG).
- BERČIČ, Tomaž. Vrednotenje prostorskih rešitev z večparametrskimi modeli. (Evaluation of spatial solutions through multiparametric models.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr. Lucija Ažman Momirski (FA), somentor: prof. dr. Marko Bohanec (Univerza v Novi Gorici).
- ANDREJČIČ MUŠIČ, Polonca. Celostni pristop k integraciji kolesarskega prometa v urbano okolje. (A holistic approach to the integration of bicycle traffic into the urban landscape.) Mentorica: doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes (FA).
- XERXA BEQIRI, Flaka. Konstruiranje moderne arhitekture Kosova 1970-1980. (Constructing modern architecture of Kosovo 1970-1980.) Mentorica: izr. prof. ddr. Petra Čeferin (FA), somentorica Prof. Asist. Dr. Vlora Navakazi (Univerza v Prištini).
- OLAJ, Artur. Prostor, kultura in identiteta: odraz v obrečnem javnem prostoru. (Place, culture and identity: reflections on riverside urban public space.) Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič, somentorica: izr. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA).
- ANĐELKOVIĆ, Goran. Specifičnosti in pomen tlorisne zasnove večstanovanjske arhitekture modernizma v obdobju 1950-1973 v Beogradu, Ljubljani in Zagrebu. (The specifics and significance of plans in modernist housing 1950-1973 in Belgrade, Ljubljana and Zagreb.) Mentor: prof. mag. Tadej Glažar, somentorica: izr. prof. ddr. Petra Čeferin (FA).
- LOMBARDI, Marta. Vrednotenje parametrov za trajnostno prenovo stavb in območij na primeru urbani regie Gorizia-Nova Gorica. (Evaluation of parameters for sustainable preservation of buildings and sites in the case study of urban region Gorizia – Nova Gorica.) Mentorji: doc. dr. Sonja Ifko (FA), Prof. Sergio Pratali Maffei, PhD (Units), Prof. Paolo Rosato PhD (Units). Na podlagi pogodbe o skupnem mentorstu med UL in Units je predvidena dvojna diploma. (Double degree between the University of Ljubljana and the University of Trieste is based on the agreement aimed at the joint supervision of doctoral students.)
- SKALICKY, Vanja. Sodobna skandinavska načela in kriteriji za urbanistično načrtovanje bivanjsko visokokakovostnih stanovanjskih okolij. (Contemporary Scandinavian urban planning principles and criteria for high-quality living n residential environments.) Mentorica: doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes (FA).
- MAHOVIČ, Andrej. Razvoj stadiona in športne dvorane v večnamenski objekt spektakla. (Evolution of the stadium and sports hall into a polyvalent object of spectacle.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr. Lucija Ažman Momirski (FA).
- LEVIČNIK, Nina. Preučevanje sistema odnosov med arhitekturo in vinogradništvom in vinarstvom na Slovenskem. (The Study of the Relationships System between Architecture and Viticulture ad Viniculture in Slovenia.) Mentor: doc. dr. Tomaž Novljan (FA), somentorica: izr. prof. dr. Lucija Ažman Momirski (FA).
- KOREN, Mirjana. Metodologija celostnega ohranjanja kulturne dediščine mizarskih delavnic na primeru slovenske Štajerske. (Integrated conservation methodologz on the cultural heritage of joinery with the case studz of the Styrian region of Slovenia.) Mentorica: doc. dr. Sonja Ifko (FA); somentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister (FA), somentorica: doc. dr. Nina Vodopivec (ISH).
- MUJKIĆ, Sabina. Vplivi vzhoda in zahoda na urbano strukturo in podobo mesta – primer Sarajeva. (Effects of the East and the West in the urban structure and the image of the city – in the case of Sarajevo.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr Tadeja Zupančič (FA), somentorica: doc. dr. Breda Mihelič (UIRS).
- VIDMAR, Jernej. Interaktivna regulacija oblike zazidave. (Interactive regulation of built form.) Mentor: prof. Janez Koželj (FA).
- JORDAN, Sabina. Optimizacija arhitekturne zasnove prenove fasad poslovnih stavb za delovanje stropnega sevalnega sistema. (Architectural design optimisation of the retrofitting of office building facades for the operation of ceiling radiation systems.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr. Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik (FA), somentor: izr. prof. dr. Andraž Legat (ZAG, hab: UM).
- MARKELJ, Jernej. Model za arhitekturno-tehnološko vrednotenje trajnostnih stavb. (A model for architectural-technological assessment of sustainable buildings.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr. Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik (FA), somentorica: izr. prof. dr. Manja Kitek Kuzman (BF).
- AZINOVIĆ, Boris. Vpliv sklenjenega toplotnoizolacijskega ovoja na potresno odpornost energijsko učinkovitih stavb. (The influence of continuous thermal insulation layer on seismic resistance o flow-energy buildings.) Mentor: prof. dr. Vojko Kilar (FA), somentor: doc. dr. David Koren (FA).
- MRAK, Gašper. Prostorski razvoj turizma na slovenskem podeželju v območju Alp. (Spatial development of tourism in rural Slovenia in the area of the Alps.) Mentorica: izr. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak (FA), somentorica: doc. dr. Alma Zavodnik-Lamovšek (FGG).
- BENKO, Andreja. Sodelovanje uporabnika pri projektiranju stanovanjske arhitekture. (User Participation in residential architecture design.) Mentor: prof. dr. Borut Juvanec (FA), somentor: doc. dr. Domen Zupančič (FA), somentor: prof. dr. Marko Polič (FF).
- JANČIČ, Luka. Posledice uporabe dodajalnega izdelovanja v arhitekturnem načrtovanju (Implications of the use of additive manufacturing in architectural design.) Mentor: doc. dr. Igor Toš (hab.: FA).
- STOJNIĆ, Brankica. Zasebnost stanovanjskega prostora v digitalni dobi. (Privacy of residential space in the digital age.) Mentor: doc. dr. Tomaž Novljan (FA).
- DEMŠAR VREŠ, Tina. Model in metode upravljanja kulturne krajine z avtohtono arhitekturo na primeru otokov Severnega Kvarnerja. (Model and methods of management of cultural landscape with vernacular architecture – example of the Northern Kvarner Islands.) Mentor: doc. dr. Ljubo Lah (FA).
- ŠARAC, Darko. Vpliv vojsk na prostorski in urbanistični razvoj mesta Ljubljana. (The army’s influence on the spatial and urban development of the city of Ljubljana.) Mentorja: prof. dr. Živa Deu (FA), izr. prof. dr. Anton Prosen (FGG).
- KAVČIČ, Martin. Bogoslužne stavbe na Slovenskem po drugi svetovni vojni – metodologija in kriteriji vrednotenja. (Ecclesiastic buildings in Slovenia after the second world war – evaluation methodology and criteria.) Mentorja: doc. dr. Leon Debevec (FA); prof. dr. Peter Fister (FA).
- IVANIŠIN, Krunoslav. Merila veličastnega: arhitekturna definicija Bližnjega Vzhoda. (Scales of the sublime: An architectural definition of the Midle East.) Mentorja: izr. prof. mag. Tadej Glažar (FA); prof. dr. Josep Lluis Matteo (ETH-Zuerich).
- BROJAN, Larisa. Potencial uporabe slame pri gradnji v Sloveniji. (Potential of using straw in building in Slovenia.) Mentorja: doc. dr. Domen Zupančič (FA), prof. dr. Peggy L. Clouston (UMassAmherst).
- PAHOR, Maša. Model trajnostne prenove večstanovanjskih objektov, zgrajenih me letoma 1946 in 190 v Sloveniji. (Sustainable renovation model for multi-apartment buildings, built during the years 1946 and 1990 in Slovenia.) Mentor: doc. dr. Ljubo Lah (FA).
- STEFANOVSKA, Jasna. Načrtovanje post-socialističnih mest: urbane transformacije in spremembe središčnosti po socializmu. Planning the post-socialist city: urban transformations and changing centralities after socialism.) Mentorja: prof. Janez Koželj (FA), izr. prof. dr. Drago Kos (FDV).
- MARINČEK PROSENC, Darja. Implementacija konservatorskega načrta za prenovo v prostorskem načrtovanju. (Implementation of conservation plan in spatial planning.) Mentorja: prof.dr. Peter Fister (FA), prof.dr. Andrej Pogačnik (FGG).
- ŽGALIN KOBE, Rok. Preučevanje odnosa med krajem in arhitekturo v obdobju 2000 – 2010. (Between site and architecture: Examining the relation in the period from 2000 to 2010.) Mentorica: Lucija Ažman Momirski (FA).
- KOTNIK, Jure. Zasnova sodobnega vrtca po metodi hibridizacije. (Contemporary kindergarten design using hybridization method.) Mentor: prof. Janez Koželj (FA).
- PRAZNIK, Miha. Kvalitativni parametri za energijsko učinkovite enodružinske hiše. (Quality parameters for the energy efficient single-family houses.) Mentorja: Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik (FA), prof.dr. Vincenc Butala (FS).
- POTOČNIK, Tina. Razvoj in preobrazba primestnih naselij s primerom naselja Mengeš. (Development and transformation of suburban settlements with the case study of Mengeš.) Mentorja: prof.dr. Peter Fister, doc.dr. Nataša Koselj.
- JUTRAŽ, Anja. Sistem vizualnih digitalnih orodij za participacijo splošne javnosti v prostorskem načrtovanju / Visual digital system of tools for public participation in urban design. Mentorica: Tadeja Zupančič.
- PETROVČIČ, Simon. Potresna izolacija kot sistem za povečanje varnosti arhitekturne dediščine / Seismic base isolation as a szstem for earthquake mitigation of architectural heritage. Mentor: Vojko Kilar.
- KUKOČ, Višnja. Metoda za načrtovanje javnih mestnih prostorov v obdobju tranzicije na primeru Split III. Mentorja: doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes, prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec.
- VEROVŠEK, Špela. Razvoj predstavitvenih tehnik za posredovanje interdisciplinarnih prostorskih vsebin laični javnosti. (Development of presentation techniques for communicating interdisciplinary spatial topics to lay public.) Mentorica: Tadeja Zupančič.
- FURMAN OMAN, Mojca. Razpršena gradnja v luči razvoja slovenske prostorske zakonodaje. (Dispersed housing in light of the Slovenian spatial planning legislation.) Mentor: prof.mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- ROŽMAN, Helena. Razvojno varstvo stavbne dediščine na primeru Kostanjevice na Krki. Mentorica: Živa Deu.
- JANKOVIČ GROBELŠEK, Liljana. Javni in za javnost odprti prostori sodobnega mesta. Mentorica: doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes.
- MLADENOVIČ, Luka. Kriteriji za trajnostno načrtovanje in gradnjo območij z visoko gostoto poselitve. Mentorica: doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes.
- KOREN, David. Potresna izolacija in nesimetrična konstrukcijska zasnova v arhitekturi / Seismic isolation and structural asymmetry in architecture. Mentor: prof. dr. Vojko Kilar.
- SLAK, Tomaž. Značilnosti, vrednotenje in potenciali potresne arhitekture. Mentor: prof. dr. Vojko Kilar.
- KOROŠIC, Marko. Slovensko oblikovanje interierjev in opreme v zamejskem prostoru. Mentor: prof. dr. Fedja Košir.
- GRABAR Nika. Med klasicizmom in modernizmom – arhitektura Vinka Glanza. / Between Classicism and Modernism – Architecture of Vinko Glanz. Mentor: prof. dr. Vojteh Ravnikar. Somentorica: prof. dr. Mary McLeod (Columbia University).
- KOPRIVEC, Ljudmila. Vpliv sodobnih gradiv in tehnologij na oblikovanje fasadnega ovoja. Mentorica: prof. dr. Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik.
- BEŽAN, Jaka. Napihljive konstrukcije za prireditve na prostem. Mentor: prof. dr. Igor Kalčič.
- JUVANČIČ, Matevž. Vpliv lastnosti in elementov izobraževalnih vmesnikov na njihovo učinkovitost v arhitekturnem izobraževanju splošne javnosti. Mentorica: prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič.
- NIKŠIČ, Matej. Povezovanje urbanih mikroambientov v prepoznavno celoto. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Gabrijelčič. Somentorica: prof. dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska – Andrews (Urbanistični inštitut RS).
- ETTLINGER, Or. The architecture of virtual space. Mentor: prof. dr. Igor Kalčič.
- KITEK KUZMAN, Manja. Leseni prostorski konstrukcijski elementi v procesu arhitekturnega načrtovanja (novi načini oblikovanja lesa). Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Kušar.
- SLIVNIK, Lara. Zgradbe svetovnih razstav – konstrukcija, arhitektura, urbanizem, oblikovanje. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Kušar.
- BUGARIČ, Boštjan. Univerza in mesto : univerzitetne vsebine kot generator družbenega dogajanja. Mentor: prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec. Somentor: doc. dr. Marjan Hočevar (FDV).
- KOVAČIČ, Iztok. Fizična pojavnost računalnika v bivalnem okolju. Mentor: prof. dr. Igor Kalčič.
- VIŠNAR, Katarina. Vloga laične javnosti v procesu revitalizacije stavbne dediščine Slovenije: historiat, stanje in metodologija razvoja aktivne participacije. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister. Somentorica: doc. dr. Mojca šašek Divjak (Urbanistični inštitut RS).
- ZUPANČIČ, Domen. Oblikovanje kvalitetnega bivalnega okolja z ozirom na izrabo naravnih obnovljivih virov med vernakularno in sodobno arhitekturo. Mentor: prof. dr. Borut Juvanec.
- KUŠAR, Domen. Varnost v arhitekturi nekoč in danes. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister.
- MAROLT, Peter. Pomen likovnosti za arhitekturni prostor. Mentor: prof. dr. Igor Kalčič.
- AŽMAN MOMIRSKI, Lučka. Arhitektura in arheologija : razlike in sorodnosti. Mentor: prof. dr. Fedja Košir.
- ŠEME, Špela. Vpliv potrošništva na sodobno arhitekturo. Mentor: prof. dr. Igor Kalčič.
- FIKFAK, Alenka. Evolucijske konstante naselbinske kulture v prenovi z aplikacijo na Slovenskem primorju – Goriška brda. Mentor: prof. dr. France Rihtar.
- ČOK, Gregor. Razvoj regionalnega omrežja gospodarskih con v pogojih sodobne informacijske družbe. Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- PLAZAR MLAKAR, Manca. Regionalno planiranje kot delovna metoda v procesu celovitega strateškega regionalnega programiranja. Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- KOSELJ, Nataša. Tradicija napredka. Kriteriji vrednotenja in metodologija zaščite arhitekture, nastale med leti 1945-70 v Sloveniji. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister. Somentor: prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec.
- IFKO, Sonja. Varstvo industrijske arhitekturne dediščine v Sloveniji. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar.
- JERAJ, Margareta. Urbanistične smernice za umeščanje šolskih in zdravstvenih objektov v prostor. Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- ČEFERIN, Petra. Constructing a legend : the international exhibitions of Finnish achitecture 1957-1967. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Kušar.
- HUDNIK, Špela. Mobilna arhitektura in možnosti njene uresničitve v realnem svetu. Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- TOŠ, Igor. Arhitektura in sistemiologija. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladmir Brezar.
- BLENKUŠ Matej. Uporabniku in okolju prilagojeno načrtovanje stanovanjske gradnje. Mentor: prof. dr. Miloš Bonča.
- ČERPES Ilka. Samoorganizacija in urejanje naselji. Mentor: prof. dr. France Rihtar.
- LAH, Ljubo. Muzeji na prostem – večplastnost pomenov za ohranjanje arhitekturne dediščine. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister.
- PETREŠIN, Vesna. Časovna dimenzija v arhitekturni kompoziciji. Mentor: prof. dr. Jaka Bonča.
- GRUEV, Marta. Računalniško podprto modeliranje avtocestnega pristopa : postopki za presojo ambientalne ustreznosti prometnih infrastrukturnih objektov. Mentor: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič.
- BATISTA, Dominika. Alternativni pristopi k arhitekturnemu oblikovanju in projektiranju. Mentor: doc. dr. Jaka Bonča.
- ZUPANČIČ, Bogo. Stanovanjska arhitektura v tržnih pogojih: denar, tržni pogoji in menedžment v arhitekturi. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar.
- NOVLJAN, Tomaž. Fraktalno v arhitekturi – struktura, tekstura in barva. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Kušar.
- JAN, Andreja. Historični vzori v Plečnikovi arhitekturi. Mentor: prof.dr. Vladimir Brezar.
- DEBEVEC, Leon. Prenova in gradnja sakralnih objektov v Sloveniji. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Marinko.
- DEU, Živa. Stavbni členi kot sooblikovalci identitete slovenskega zunaj-mestnega prostora. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister.
- ZBAŠNIK-SENEGAČNIK, Martina. Negativni vplivi gradiv na človeka in okolje. Mentor: prof. dr. Janez Kresal.
- KRISTL, Živa. Energetsko varčni stanovanjski modeli z osvetljevanjem prostorov s svetlobnimi vodniki. Mentor: prof. dr. Aleš Krainer.
- LIKAR, Darko. Arhitekturno postinformacijski sistem. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister.
- ZUPANČIČ STROJAN, Tadeja. Univerza in mesto, ubikacijski razvoj Univerze v Ljubljani. Mentor: prof. dr. France Rihtar.
- DIMITROVSKA ANDREWS, Kaliopa. Urbanistično oblikovalsko orodje v sistemu prostorskega planiranja kot osnova za estetsko kontrolo mesta. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar. Somentorica: prof. dr. Georgia Butina Watson (Oxford Brookes University).
- CAPUDER, Tatjana. Vrednotenje kompozicijskih odnosov med obstoječimi in novimi prostorskimi strukturami. Mentor: prof. dr. Fedja Košir.
- VODOPIVEC, Aleš. Temelji in meje arhitekturne avtonomije. Mentor: prof. dr. Miloš Bonča.
- PEROSSA, Mario. Prostorsko-stanovanjska kultura Istre v okviru regionalne stanovanjske kontinuitete. Mentor: prof. dr. Stanko Kristl.
- HROVATIN, Jasna. Opredelitev kriterijev za vrednotenje konstrukcije sedežnega pohištva. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Kušar.
- BONČA, Jaka. Prostor, gibanje in barva v arhitekturi. Mentor: prof. dr. Jožef Muhovič (ALU).
- KALČIČ, Igor. Narodna identiteta v povojni slovenski stanovanjski arhitekturi. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar.
- LESKOVEC, Boris. Raziskava razvoja telesnokulturnih objektov na Slovenskem. Mentor: prof. dr. Peter Fister. Somentor: prof. dr. Rajko Šugman.
- FERREIRA, Albino Jose Clemente. Možnosti za kulturno in tehnološko dekolonizacijo v bivalni arhitekturi afriških dežel južno od Sahare. Mentor: prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar.
- MUHIČ, Lojze. Krožne kompozicije v arhitekturi. Mentor: prof. dr. Tine Kurent.
- PUST, Viktor. Modeli stanovanjske gradnje in zazidave z ozirom na spreminjajoče potrebe.
- KUŠAR, Jože. Rediminzioniranje gradbenih elementov v merskem sistemu po JUS.U. A9 003.
- MARINKO, Jože. Tipologija ruralnih naselij v Sloveniji.
- JUVANEC, Borut. Vloga in možnosti v migracijskem procesu. Mentor: prof. Marjan Amalietti.
- KOŠIR, Fedja. Razvoj kompozicije multifunkcionalnih arhitekturno-urbanističnih sklopov. Mentor: prof. dr. Jože Koželj.
- BREZAR, Vladimir. Kompozitna struktura ovojnih konstrukcij. Mentor: prof. Edo Mihevc.
- KRISTL, Stanko. Primerjalna raziskava arhitekturne zasnove bolnišnične porodniške oskrbovalne enote in obravnava izdelanega modela.
- SELIŠKAR, Niko. Projektiranje različnih konstrukcijskih sklopov in njihov vpliv na kvaliteto in življenjsko dobo objektov. Mentor: prof. Edo Mihevc.
- KRESAL, Janez. Kriteriji opremljanja turistične poti v Postonjski jami.
- TEPINA, Marjan. Ekološki in sistemski pristop v teoriji urbanizma.
- VOGELNIK, Blaž. Sistemsko orientiran pristop k načrtovanju visokoregalnih skladišč.
- FISTER, Peter. Arhitektura slovenskih protiturških taborov.
- KURENT, Tine. Izbor preferencialnih modularnih mer za dimenzioniranje gradbenih elementov.
‘Architectural research is an original investigation undertaken in order to generate knowledge, insights and understanding based on competencies, methods and tools proper to the discipline of architecture. It has its own particular knowledge base, mode, scope, tactics and strategies.
In architectural research, design is the fundamental way of thinking and process of knowledge production. It generates critical inquiry and advanced synthesis through design work.
The process of designing, which constitutes the essence of architecture, is from its very nature creative in the original sense of “bringing forward” tangible and intangible matters. In this process, factual and methodological knowledge, both experienced/tested and experimental/intuitive, are applied to specific questions and aspects, problems concerning human activities and the physical and virtual realm where they take place, aiming at reaching innovative solutions mostly in the form of physical and virtual entities.
This process may often seem “chaotic” in the sense of “unstructured” or even “random” – and sometimes is. However, this is a self-reflective, iterative process where the findings of these seemingly “random” actions are again and again critically questioned and contextualized.
Furthermore, there is a strong element of structured knowledge production through research and development in a design process. In this sense, the strength of designing as a scientific and artistic research method lies in applying experimentation and variation to solving concrete problems and choosing the preferred solution founded case-based on criteria both rational and communicable.
Moreover, research in architecture encompasses knowledge production through design projects, artefacts and design processes, as well as research about and for design. Therefore research results may be obtained by, and consistent with experience in practice.
Connection to Other Disciplines
Although architecture has its own corpus of specific knowledge, it needs to engage with other disciplines to create new knowledge and synthesis. In that interaction, architects contribute their ability to act in complex- non-reductive particular environments. By embracing aspects of rationality and intuition, objectivity and inter-subjectivity, technique and emotion, logic and creativity, architectural research enriches the understanding of the world. Architectural research is therefore fertile for trans- and inter-disciplinary endeavors and forms an essential part of these endeavours.’
(…from EAAE Charter on Architectural Research, adopted in 2022.)
Presentation Brochures for the DRŠA Programme
Study Programme Enrolment
Study programme subjects
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Elective courses
- Abstract Spatial Transformation Tools
- Analysis and Criticism of Contemporary Architecture
- Architectural Archetypes of the Sacred
- Architectural Psychology
- Architectural Publishing
- Architectural Research by Design
- Architectural Versus Fine Art Relations
- Architecture and Sustainable Spatial Development
- Basics of Bridge Design
- Colours and Space
- Contemporary Approaches to Urbanism
- Contemporary Architectural Technology
- Corpus of Slovene Architecture
- Corpus of Slovene Architecture – Selected Topics
- Design of Open Space
- Designing Virtual Environments
- Digital Design Methods
- Digital Fabrication
- Digital Methods and Presentations in Architecture
- Energy and Environment Assessment
of Buildings - Environmental Management for Rural Tourism and Recreation
- Environmental Physics for Architects
- Heritage Interpretation
- History of Urbanism
- Human Environment Anthropology
- Identity of Slovene Architecture
- Integrated Practices and Building Modelling
- Interfaces for Architectural Learning
and Collaboration - Interpretation of Memory in Architecture
- Landscape Settlements of Cultural Diversity
- Local Planning and Public Participation
- Methods of Ambiental Design
- Microclimate of Urban Areas and Buildings
- Natura Animare: Transforming Matter in the Creation of Space
- Programming of Architectural Forms
- Programming of Architectural Forms
- Quality of Doctoral Research and Fundamentals of Research by
Design - Real Estate Economics – Selected Themes
- Regional Planning
- Renewable Sources of Energy in Buildings
- Selected Topics from Philosophy
of Space and Time - Selected Topics in Building
and Construction History - Sensitive Urban Places
- Sociological Concepts of Modern Urbanism
- Spatial Design of Industrial, Business and Entrepreneurial Zones
- Stakeholders in the Architectural and Urban Design Process
- Structures in Architecture
- Systems of Plastic Arrangements
- The Origins of Modernity
- Tools for Control of Urban Forms
- Townscapes and Interactive Cities