First Enrolment in the Study Programme

Doctoral Programme in Architecture (DRŠA)

The Application and Admission Procedure

The call for the 2023/24 enrolment for doctoral study programmes is published on the website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport: and

Doctoral Study Programme in Architecture (DRŠA),
organized by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Zoisova cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana.

More information

Number of enrolment places:
- Year 1: 15 (collectively for Slovenian citizens, citizens of EU countries, Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and foreigners).
- Year 2 according to transfer criteria: 2 (collectively for Slovenian citizens, citizens of EU countries, Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and foreigners).
- Year 3 according to transfer criteria: 2 (collectively for Slovenian citizens, citizens of EU countries, Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and foreigners).
- Year 4 according to transfer criteria: 2 (collectively for Slovenian citizens, citizens of EU countries, Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and foreigners).

Duration of programme: 4 years

Enrolment criteria:

The enrolment criteria for the Doctoral Study Programme in Architecture are as follows:

  • a completed second-cycle study programme (a Bologna master’s degree);
  • a completed study programme for a profession regulated under EU directives, or another single-cycle master’s study programme evaluated with 300 ECTS;
  • a completed university-level study programme, adopted prior to 11. 6. 2004;
  • a completed specialist study programme upon conclusion of a professional study programme at a higher education institution, providing that the candidate has obtained at least 30 ECTS in the following subjects of the Single-Cycle Master Study Programme Architecture:
    • Architectural Theory and Critique,
    • Introduction to Research in Architecture and Urbanism,
    • Theory of Physical and Regional Planning,
    • Action Planning and Strategic Assessment,
    • Design Concepts,
    • Countryside Settlement Culture,
    • Art History,
    • Comprehensive Preservation of Built Heritage,
    • Computer-Supported Architecture, and
    • Concepts of Structures.

The enrolment criteria for the Doctoral Study Programme in Architecture, in accordance with transferring criteria, are as follows:

  • A completed second-cycle university programme (a master’s degree); in accordance with legislation, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned by the student are recognized during enrolment.
  • An ongoing specialization programme following a completed university programme; in accordance with legislation, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned by the student are recognized during enrolment.

Graduates from foreign universities can also apply to the doctoral degree programme. The recognition procedure of foreign qualifications is carried out within the process of Recognition of Education for Continuing Education, in accordance with the Statues of the University of Ljubljana.

Selection criteria for limited enrolment:

In case of limited enrolment (if there are more candidates who meet enrolment requirements than there are enrolment places), candidates are selected according to the following criteria:

  • performance at a second-cycle study programme (20% of the total assessment grade), or
  • performance in a single-cycle master’s study programme, comprising 300 ECTS, or performance at another university-level study programme, or performance at a specialist programme following completion of a professional degree programme, and additional exams, determined according to the enrolment criteria;

The grading consists of

  • the average grade in the study programme (15%),
  • the grade of the BA or MA thesis (5%);

  • performance in the admission exam (80% of the total score). The admission exam consists of a written and oral part and comprises the following:
  • A written and oral presentation of a draft of a doctoral study plan, prepared in accordance with the Rules and Procedures for Obtaining the title Doctor of Science at the Faculty of Architecture (60%);
  • Recommendations from recognized researchers (10%);
  • Proof of research work conducted prior to admission in the programme (10%).

Location: Ljubljana

Type of programme: part-time

Procedures and deadlines for applications and the application process

The deadline for applications is Monday, August 22, 2022. Candidates apply through the eVŠ web portal.

The submission deadline for a draft of the doctoral study plan will be announced on the Faculty of Architecture website. Admitted candidates will be kept notified about further procedures and deadlines either to the e-mail address provided in the application, or through the eVŠ web portal. Applications and admissions will close on September 30, 2023.

Information Days will take place on Wednesday, May 18, 2023 at 17:00 in Plečnikova predavalnica UL FA, Zoisova 12, Ljubljana.


List of Potential PhD Supervisors at the Faculty

At its 32nd and 33rd session on November 22, 2016 and December 20, 2016 (respectively), the University of Ljubljana Senate adopted two resolutions pertaining to supervisions:

Aside from the general criteria, another mandatory condition for the recognition of a (co-)supervisor’s research activity is that they obtained a minimum of 150 points through the Sicris system in the last five years. Their contributions must carry a quantitative grade A1/2, higher than 0.

In cases of research in artistic fields, the (co-)supervisor must carry the title of a higher education teacher in the field of art, in accordance with habilitation criteria (paragraph 2 of Article 40 in the habilitation criteria); if this condition is met, a supervisory body can be formed, which must include the (co-)supervisor from a scientific-research field, who meets the abovementioned criteria for recognition of their activities.

These changes to criteria for recognition of (co-)supervisors’ research activities shall come into effect with the supervision of doctoral students, enrolling in doctoral programmes at the University of Ljubljana in the 2017/18 academic year.

List of potential supervisors for first enrolment in the programme

First enrolment into the programme until 2016/17

Zaposleni na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, ki izkazujejo raziskovalno aktivnost v zadnjih petih letih v skladu s pogoji Univerze v Ljubljani (seznam posodobljen aprila 2012, deloma za  leto 2013/14 novembra 2012, maja in junija 2013, junija 2014, marca in maja 2015, februarja in marca 2016), raziskovalne reference, kontakt in število prostih mest za mentorstvo 2015/2016 (somentorstvo številčno ni omejeno) ...bibliografija SICRIS: gl. 'Vrednotenje bibliografskih kazalcev raziskovalne uspešnosti po metodologiji ARRS:

Employees of the Faculty of Architecture, fulfilling the condition of recent research activities (up-date April 2012; partial addition November 2012, May and June 2013, June 2014, March and May 2015, February and March 2016), research bibliographies, contacts, places available for 2015/2016 (places for co-mentorship are not limited) ...bibliography SICRIS: follow the link: 'Vrednotenje bibliografskih kazalcev raziskovalne uspešnosti po metodologiji ARRS':

Pogoji za mentorstvo - prvi vpis v program do vključno 2016/17

Any higher education teacher who meets the University of Ljubljana criteria for supervision can be selected/named as a doctoral thesis supervisor. (Co-)supervisors must fulfill conditions of the University of Ljubljana: they must demonstrate research activity within the last 5 years (a minimum defined by the University of Ljubljana), as well as activity within the field of the proposed doctoral thesis. FOR EACH SUPERVISOR OR CO-SUPERVISOR, A CANDIDATE MUST LIST 3-5 REFERENCES RELEVANT TO THEIR DOCTORAL THESIS.

Mentors or co-mentors can also be selected from other institutions, providing that the conditions of the University of Ljubljana are fulfilled, and that the relevance of the supervisor's past research to the doctoral programme and the field of architecture is made clear.

Aside from the general criteria, another mandatory condition for the recognition of a (co-)supervisor’s research activity is that they obtained a minimum of 100 points through the Sicris system in the last five years, or 40 points in the case of applied research; they must also possess proof of successfully applied projects in practice. A supervisor may mentor a maximum of five candidates, all of whom must be enrolled in a doctoral study programme and demonstrate regular progress. This number does not comprise candidates who have successfully defended their thesis, but have not completed their other obligations in four or more years since their first enrolment.

Additional Information for Future Candidates and Supervisors:

It can be gleaned from doctoral dissertation application forms that the university considers SICRIS points from the last 5 years. The rules and regulations that dictate the selection criteria for ARRS research project managers, meanwhile, indicate that the following COBISS/SICRIS categories of contributions are relevant for proof of research activity that has been applied in practice: patents, implemented technology, sold computer programs, executed objects or products, etc. COBISS type 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.06, 2.07, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.20, 2.21 and 2.24. These are reviewed university or higher education TEXTBOOKS, reviewed secondary school, primary school and other textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, lexicons, HANDBOOKS, atlases, maps, bibliographies, final REPORTS on research results, REPORTS, preliminary studies, studies, PROJECT DOCUMENTATION (preliminary designs, construction designs), expert opinions, arbitral awards, ARTISTIC WORKS, EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, completed scientific data bases or corpora, technical equipment, patents. Given that AWARDS do not figure into COBISS, but they nonetheless constitute in architecture an important indicator of social recognition, researchers can include, for instance, links to websites of the institutions that handed them the award(s). This is also important considering how awards also serve as proof for the application of research work in practice. Since scientific excellence is demonstrated through citations that consider references published within the last ten years, the evidence of research applied in practice includes awards granted within the last decade.

Template for the preparation of a (co-)supervisor's references ...more

Information guide for international students - Living in the Republic of Slovenia - Temporary resident permit