Bachelor’s Thesis (UŠU)

A bachelor's thesis is a written final work, the result of a student's individual efforts that showcases the knowledge attained throughout the course of their studies, both in terms of theory as well as praxis of architectural and urban design and planning.

Upon completing their studies, graduates will have attained complex knowledge comprised of theoretical and practical aspects of urban planning and design, planning methodologies, legal foundations of spatial planning, facets of action planning and strategic assessment, the fundamentals of communal and housing economies, as well as an extensive understanding of how the public sector functions, from the state level, to local communities, to commercial public services. Students acquire experience in project work, urban planning, and design.

The role of urban planners in the state’s economic and cultural development is indispensable. As put by the European directive, in urbanism and architecture alike “architectural design, the quality of buildings and their integration into the environment, and respect for the natural and urban landscape” are a matter of “public interest” for all European countries.

Instructions for Selecting a Topic and Preparing a Final (Bachelor’s) Thesis

Approval of a Thesis Topic

Candidates must fill out and submit an electronic application over ŠIS. The application is approved by the Academic Affairs Committee at a regular monthly session, and remains valid for 1 year following approval. A candidate may extend the validity of their thesis topic by an additional year. This may only be done once.

Final Thesis Review and Defence

Prior to a defence, the Committee for Thesis Review, Defence and Grading reviews the thesis and determines whether it meets all formal requirements.

Candidates submit the application for approval of the final thesis review to the Student Affairs Office at

Presentation Posters

The final work must be presented using posters measuring 70x100cm.

Dates for Reviews and Defences

Dates for reviews and defences of final works are given in study calendars of individual programmes.

Dates for upcoming defences can be followed on the events calendar.

Study Rules and Regulations

MA Thesis Fees

Pursuant to Article 128 of the University of Ljubljana Statutes, students without student status who are completing their studies following an interruption, must cover the costs of both completing their studies and the thesis defence. Article 128 further adds that candidates are exempt from fees under the following conditions:

  • if, prior to losing their student status, they completed all their obligations for completion of the programme (minus the final thesis),
  • if their final thesis topic was approved no more than six months following the loss of student status,
  • if no more than two years have passed since the loss of student status.