Second-Cycle Master Study Programme Urbanism (MŠU)

  • Level or type of study programme
    Second cycle, Second-Cycle Master Study Programme Urbanism (MŠU)
  • Study duration
    2 years
  • Number of ECTS credits per study year
    120 KT
  • Programme type
    Full-time, part-time
  • Academic, professional or artistic title
    magister inženir arhitekt-urbanist / magistrica inženirka arhitektka-urbanistka (mag. inž. arh. urb.)
Second-Cycle Master Study Programme Urbanism (MŠU)
    Master education (second Bologna cycle)/ Master (second Bologna cycle) (17003)
    Urbanism (5812) and Architecture, Spatial Planning and Urbanism (0731)
  • Field of study as per ISCED
    Architecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering (58)
  • Scientific research disciplines as per Frascati classifications
    Social Sciences (5)
  • SQF Level
  • EQF Level
  • EHEQF Level
    Second cycle
  • Areas/modules/courses

The programme is organized in the context of UL FA; however, its interdisciplinary nature may draw interest of students from other faculties who have completed their first-cycle studies and now want to focus on the field of urbanism. The study programme trains architects-urbanists in theory and criticism from the fields of urbanism, architectural and urban planning, spatial planning, environmental protection, urban geography, spatial legislation, spatial economics, spatial sociology, infrastructural systems, as well as other spatial sciences.

General Goals of the Programme

The primary goal of the programme is to train responsible experts in the field of urban design and planning, as well as spatial planning. An architect–urbanist’s responsibility stems from the meaning of urban design, the quality of urban lay–outs and their harmony with the environment, with respect for natural and urban landscapes that are of public interest.

General Competences (Learning Outcomes)

  • basic knowledge from the field of urbanism and proficiency in academic, scientific, artistic, and technical methods of work,
  • proficiency in research methods, procedures, and processes, and the development of critical and self-critical reflection,
  • ability to define, research, comprehend, and creatively tackle problems, principles, and theories,
  • ability to analyse, synthesise and estimate solutions and outcomes; the capacity to apply knowledge in practice,
  • development of communication skills, especially within the international environment, at seminar defences, and during field work as part of practical training,
  • adherence to safety procedures as well as functional, economic, and environmental aspects during work,
  • ability to work independently,
  • development of communication capacities and skills, especially visual communication,
  • ethical reflection and dedication to professional ethics,
  • critical assessment and comprehension of spatial conditions, plans, texts; independent acquisition of knowledge and sources,
  • knowledge of information and communications technologies,
  • qualification for interdisciplinary association,
  • objective assessments of environments and societies.

Subject-Specific Competences

  • the ability to create architectural designs that satisfy functional, aesthetic and technical requirements for a sustainable modern-day society; option of obtaining a license from ZAPS (Chamber of Architecture and Environmental Planning)
  • adequate knowledge of the history of urbanism, urbanist and architectural theory, as well as the related arts, technologies and human sciences,
  • knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design,
  • adequate knowledge of urban design, urban planning and of the skills involved in the planning process,
  • an understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment,
  • an understanding of the profession of architects-urbanists and their role in society, in particular in preparing briefs, projects, etc. that take account of social factors,
  • an understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of design projects,
  • an understanding of construction and spatial plans, of construction and engineering problems associated with building design, and of objects and devices in space,
  • the necessary design skills to meet building users’ requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors or environmental and building regulations,
  • adequate knowledge of spatial and building regulations and procedures.

Enrolment Requirements

Enrolment in the Second-Cycle Master Study Programme Urbanism is possible under the following criteria:

  1. A completed First-Cycle Study Programme Urbanism.
  2. Another completed first-cycle study programme from a similar field or technical area, on condition that prior to application, the student has met all progression criteria (an individual “differential programme”, i.e., a set of study requirements in the form of differential exams), which comprise between 10 and 60 ECTS.
  3. A completed bachelor’s higher education study programme from a relevant field (study programmes adopted prior to 2004):

– architecture, landscape architecture, spatial planning.

  1. A completed undergraduate higher education study programme from another professional field (study programmes adopted prior to 2004), whereby the candidate is assigned differential exams, comprising between 10 and 60 ECTS.
  2. An equivalent study programme completed abroad.

Differential exams are determined on an individual basis by the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee, according to the degree of difference between the professional fields. Candidates may take differential exams during their first-cycle programme, during advanced training programmes, or before applying to a master’s study programme. When determining requirements within the differential programme, the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee also takes into account knowledge gained through practice.

Selection Criteria for Limited Enrolment

Should the number of candidates exceed the number of enrolment places, they will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • average grade of the first-cycle programme (60%)
  • grade of the BA thesis or another equivalent final work (10%)
  • an admission exam, where the candidate demonstrates their knowledge and familiarity with the selected field of study (30%)

Evaluation Methods

The methods of evaluation follow the University of Ljubljana Statutes and are given in the study programme curriculum.

Conditions for Progressing in the Programme

All obligations listed by the study programme curriculum, amounting to a total of 120 ECTS, including practical training and the final thesis.

Progression criteria are based on Article 151 of the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana. In accordance with Article 153, students can, under justifiable reasons, exceptionally progress to a higher year even if they have not fulfilled all the obligations required by the study programme. Decisions on admissions are made by the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee.

Students can progress if they have completed all obligations by the end of the academic year and obtained a set amount of ECTS:

  • To progress to Year 2, students must complete Urban Design Studio 1, and reach a minimum of 45 ECTS in Year 1.

The UL FA Academic Affairs Committee may exceptionally permit progression under justifiable reasons, as determined by Article 153 of the UL Statues (maternity leave, long-term illness, extraordinary familial or social circumstances, special needs and special status, active participation at renowned professional, cultural or sports events, active participation in university bodies).

Students whose learning outcomes exceed those expected may be eligible for accelerated advancement. Decisions in such cases are handled by the UL FA Senate, and are based on both the candidate’s appeal as well as the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee’s substantiated opinion.

Pogoji za ponavljanje letnika

Any student who has not completed all the obligations determined by the study programme may, over the course of their studies, repeat a year once, provided that they obtained at least 30 ECTS.

Conditions for Study Completion

Students finish studies after completing the obligations listed by the study programme curriculum, amounting to a total of 120 ECTS, including practical training and a final master’s thesis.

Presentation Brochures of the MŠU Study Programme

Study Programme Enrolment