External Elective Subjects 2023/24

UL FA Students

UL FA students interested in an elective course at another UL higher education institution must file an application for an external elective subject (sl. “Vloga za zunanji izbirni predmet”). The form must be confirmed by the student affairs office of the faculty where the subject will be held (a seal and signature from the responsible person), before being submitted to ŠIS. The form is then reviewed at the next session of the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee (the AAC handles such matters between June and September).

Application deadlines for the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee review

Elective subjects available for external students at member faculties of the University of Ljubljana (sl)

Details on the curricula or schedules of specific courses can be found on the website of the organizing faculty or their student affairs office. For other matters pertaining to the course, students should turn to the lecturer. Upon completing the elective subject, students will receive a confirmation of completed obligations from the student affairs office of the faculty where the course was held. The student forwards the confirmation to the UL FA Student Affairs Office, who will then enter the grade into the electronic index.

Students from Other Higher Education Institutions

External higher education students interested in an elective subject at UL FA must fill out an “Application for enrolment in an elective subject at UL FA for external students” (sl. “Vloga za vpis izbirnega predmeta na UL FA za zunanje študente”). They must also include a copy of their certificate of enrolment.

Application deadlines for the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee review

The UL FA Senate adopted a decision on its third session on December 13, 2022, that with the 2023/24 academic year, UL FA will offer external students all subjects of the study programmes it organises.

Descriptions of study programmes, as well as curricula with short descriptions and ECTS evaluations of their subjects, can be found in the PRESENTATION BROCHURES of the study programmes.

Study programme SCHEDULES will be published in the second half of September 2023.

Upon completing an elective subject, students receive a confirmation of completed obligations at the UL FA Student Affairs Office, which they forward to the student affairs office at their own institution.

Authorized persons for the UL FA Student Affairs Office:

EMŠA: Andreja Anžin, andreja.anzin@fa.uni-lj.si, tel. 01/200 07 10

UŠU and MŠU: Danijela Šinkovec, danijela.sinkovec@fa.uni-lj.si, tel. 01/200 07 80

DRŠA: Katja Knez, katja.knez@fa.uni-lj.si, tel. 01/200 07 74

Elective subjects available for external students at member faculties of the University of Ljubljana (sl)