Submitting Applications with the Student Information System (ŠIS)

With the ŠIS system, students can submit the following applications to be processed by the Academic Affairs Committee (KŠZ):

  • application for resuming studies (after an interruption in studies),
  • application for recognition of completed examinations,
  • application for changing an elective subject,
  • application for extension of student status,
  • application for progression to a higher year (without the required criteria),
  • application for re-enrolment in a year (without the required criteria),
  • application for transfer to a full-time programme,
  • application for parallel studies,
  • application for recognition of a study excursion (extracurricular activity),
  • application for obtaining special status,
  • application for an examination before a committee (4th and 5th attempt at an exam),
  • various applications linked to final theses,
  • application for an extraordinary review and defense of the final thesis in September (exclusive to EMŠA),
  • other applications.

Submission Process

Entry and submission of student applications and any attached documents is conducted online, through the ŠIS web portal (tab “Prošnje”). The portal allows students to follow the different stages of the application-admission procedure and view final decisions on their applications.

The Academic Affairs Committee only accepts applications that are submitted over ŠIS. If an incomplete form is submitted, the student will be notified to complete it. Applications submitted after the submission deadline will be reviewed by the committee at its next session.

Application Submission Process through the Student Information System (ŠIS)

Contact: Danijela Šinkovec,, 01/200 07 80, Student Affairs Office

Mojca Rozman,

Entry and submission of student applications/appeals are conducted online through the ŠIS web portal, which allows students to track the different stages of the application-admission procedure and view final decisions on their applications.

Students can use ŠIS to see what stage of the review process their application is currently at, and to view the final decision once the procedure is complete.

Submissions via the Student Information System (ŠIS)

On the left menu, select the tab VLOGE.

Left of the text “Vnos prošnje”, click on the button with two arrows <<. An application form will open, with your personal information written above. Select a type of application (tip prošnje), then a reason (vzrok), adding a justification (utemeljitev) as well as any necessary attachments (priloge). The form must be filled out completely.

By clicking Oddaj in natisni prošnjo (“submit and print the application”), the application will be forwarded through VIS. If successful, the delivery is confirmed and the date of delivery registered. Before submitting an application, you can go back and edit or fill in any missing details by clicking the two arrows << left of the button Urejanje prošnje ali pritožbe and selecting Izberi. Once the form is confirmed as delivered, further changes or additions will no longer be possible.

The application must include documentation required by the selected application type, in addition to documentation listed on the application form itself (i.e., a medical certificate, a certificate from the Social Work Center, a birth certificate, etc.)

Warning: for security purposes, the server operates on a time limit, meaning that your application may be timed out after a specific amount of time. To avoid unwanted complications, we advise you prepare the necessary information in a text file, then simply copy and paste it into the appropriate fields on the web portal.

The individual steps of the review process can be followed on ŠIS by following the menu tab “Pregled prošenj” > “STATUS”

The application goes through the following steps:

  1. Predlagan (Proposed) – the application has been submitted, but not yet accepted.
  2. Sprejet (Accepted) – the application has been successfully delivered and is pending review. If the application form is missing any details, you will be notified before submission under the field “Opombe”.
  3. Zaključen (Completed) – the application has been reviewed, and a decision has been made.

By clicking Izberi, you will see the exact date of the review as well as the decision itself.

Potential appeals must be filed within 8 days of the decision, or in accordance with the current study calendar.

Study rules and regulations

Applications Linked to Final Theses

Approval of a final thesis topic SLO / ENG

An application for approval of a final thesis topic is submitted according to the following two steps:

  1. Step: under “Zaključek študija”, you must first register a final thesis topic (Prijava teme) and
  2. Step: under “Prošnje/Vloge” fill out, sign and submit the application form for approval of the final thesis topic (Vloga za odobritev teme).

Extending the validity of the final thesis topic

Approval for supplementation or changes to the final thesis

Prior approval of the proposed final thesis topic

Application for the review and defense of the final thesis

The Application for the Review and Defense of the Final Thesis SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED OVER ŠIS, but sent to Katja Knez at within the deadline(s), given in the study calendar for the current academic year.

Application for re-enrolment in a year (without the required criteria)

Article 125 of the University of Ljubljana Statutes:

Any student who has not completed all the obligations determined by the study programme may, over the course of their studies, repeat a year once. To do so, however, they must have completed part of their obligations, as specified by the given study programme.

Conditions for repeating a year and reasons for concessions (Slovenian)

An application for re-enrolment in a year (without the required criteria) is filled out via VIS with the addition of required attachments. Deadlines for applications / appeals are published on the UL FA study calendar for the current academic year, as well as on the Academic Affairs Committee’s subpage.

Application for progression to a higher year (without the required criteria)

Any student who has not completed all the obligations determined by their study programme has the right to repeat a year once (re-enrol) over the course of their programme. To do so, they must meet certain criteria for re-enrolment, as specified by the given study programme. Under specific conditions, students may also apply for progression to a higher year if they have completed the mandatory obligations specified by their programme, obtained a minimum of 40 ECTS (determined by the rules and regulations of the faculty), and can provide proof of a justifiable reason for not completing the remaining obligations (parenthood, long-term illness, extraordinary familial or social circumstances, special needs and special status, active participation at renowned professional, cultural or sports events, active participation in university bodies).

Justified reasons:

  • extreme familial and social circumstances (a confirmation from the Social Work Centre)
  • long-term illness (medical certificate from a specialist clinic that specifies the time of absence) or a special needs student with special status (based on a decision of the UL FA Academic Affairs Committee); COVID-related reasons are only applicable if the student can present a medical certificate indicating a severe form of the illness or severe long-term consequences, i.e. long COVID
  • parenthood (a copy of the child’s birth certificate)
  • top athlete status (certificate of the attained status – olympic, international, perspective, national, youth sports)
  • active participation at top sports, cultural, and professional events, or in a university body (a certificate of participation is mandatory). Student work in and of itself is not considered active participation at top professional events.

The final, 12th session of the Academic Affairs Committee in the 2022/23 academic year will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

The deadline for applications is September 12, 2022.

At its final session, the committee will review applications for progression and re-enrolment without the required conditions, applications for status extension, etc.

All necessary proof must be included alongside the applications (in a pdf format).

Criteria for progression to a higher year and reasons for concessions (Slovenian):

Single-Cycle Master Study Programme Architecture
First-Cycle University Study Programme Urbanism
Magistrski študSecond-Cycle Master Study Programme Urbanism