Music Composition and Interpretation

  • Workload

The learning of philosophical, structural and compositional foundations of the musical arts. Deepening awareness of the creative and performance process which lead to the creation or reproduction of an art form or work in its final stage.

Composition: phenomenological concepts of the creation of a work of art; the problematics of the realisation and concretisation of works of art and musical hermeneutics; contemporary performance practices; the problematics of professional and public reception, critiques.

Conducting, musical instruments, singing, sacral music: knowledge of research in the arts in the area of performance practices, past and contemporary; dimensions of contemporary interpretation of musical works, performability and the theory of public performance and interpretation.

The planning of art projects and research connected to them. Approaches to the breadth and scope of research in the arts. The relation between theory and practice, and the transfer of theoretical knowledge to the realization of an art work. Problematics of works of art in society. Evaluation of works of art, and the corresponding professional and public critiques thereof.