Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Art (IDRŠU)
Level or type of study programmeTretja stopnja, Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Art
Study duration4 years
Number of ECTS credits per study year240 KT
Programme typeIzredni
Academic, professional or artistic titleDoktor umetnosti / Doktorica umetnosti

KLASIUS-SRVDoktorsko izobraževanje (tretja bolonjska stopnja)/doktorska izobrazba (tretja bolonjska stopnja)
Scientific research disciplines as per Frascati classificationsHumanistične vede
SQF Level10
EQF Level8
EHEQF LevelTretja stopnja
The interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART is a novelty in the Slovenian higher education area. It is a logical development step of contemporary Slovenian art which has always had indisputable achievements both nationally and internationally. Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART is a continuation and upgrade of the second-cycle study, the central part of which is the artistic research and design of highly qualified artists in various fields. The learning outcomes of the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART are reflected in highly qualified artists (at the artistic and theoretical level), competent for internationally comparable artistic practice in the chosen field.
The interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART is designed as a research programme that contributes a set of work methodologies in selected fields of art, deriving from practical artistic creation. Research methods are crucial for diversified fields of art, as they bring a set of transferable and reproducible methods of work that can be applied across fields in an increasingly interdisciplinary research environment. The foundation of the study is based on the creation of new concepts, in-depth knowledge, knowledge, and skills that arise from practice and are based on teamwork and interdisciplinary cooperation.
The doctoral thesis includes original, creative practice and a thesis that interrogates, contextualizes, and critically reflects practical work. In this way, the doctoral student is enabled to acquire new understandings and create new knowledge that will equip him for active leadership and action in modern social contexts and creative practices. Through artistic research, all of the above leads to new, significantly improved insights into practical research and operation and a clear understanding of the effects of such operation with the obligatory possibility of dissemination for further use of the obtained results.
The interdisciplinary doctoral study programme ART lasts four years, encompasses 240 credits and is a third-level programme according to the Bologna scheme. Organised forms of study amount to 60 credits, the remaining 180 credits are to be attained through individual artistic research work on the doctoral dissertation, the public presentation of the artistic research work as well as the completion and public defence of the doctoral work.
The study obligations of the programme are evaluated according to the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS, which enables the direct inclusion of parts of the programme into the international study exchange with other universities using the ECTS system.
The programme allows for the acquisition of the title Doctor of Arts in the following artistic fields:
The programme is organised and implemented by six University of Ljubljana members:
Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
Erjavčeva cesta 23, Ljubljana
Academy of Music,
Stari trg 34, Ljubljana
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television,
Trubarjeva cesta 3, Ljubljana
Biotechnical Faculty,
Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, Ljubljana
Faculty of Architecture,
Zoisova cesta 12, Ljubljana
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering,
Aškerčeva cesta 12, Ljubljana
The basic goal of the study programme is to educate doctoral students to perform the most demanding works and tasks in the artistic environment, for independent artistic research work in the wider field of art and equal integration into the international labour market and artistic research environment. The programme is aimed at creating a broad-minded doctor of arts who will be able to lead and coordinate the most demanding research and knowledge applications in a selected field of art independently, as well as in the context of interdisciplinary research and art projects. They will be qualified to work in education at university and higher education level and skilled, independent, and proactive in leading basic, applied, or developmental (interdisciplinary) research programs and projects in art.
The interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART combines practical and theoretical elements of the selected artistic fields. The study combines modern didactic approaches and individual and group approaches to acquiring using and applying artistic abilities and knowledge. After completing the Art study programme, students will develop the following competencies with the help of vertical and horizontal connection of study contents:
- analytical skills;
- competent use of methodological tools (independent implementation, coordination, management and organization of artistic practice and research; sovereign use and further development of various artistic research methods and techniques; autonomy and self-initiative in research work);
- knowledge of the environment of the chosen field, discipline (broad, critical and reflective understanding of the chosen environment, operation of institutions, structures, and dynamics of development);
- strategic orientation in the chosen field (advanced ability to plan, evaluate and look to the future, anticipate the development of events, the ability to separate the essential from the irrelevant and find solutions to basic and applied research problems);
- communicativeness (ability to properly communicate artistic achievements; the excellent ability of written and oral expression, public presentation, and clear, active and argumentative performance);
- teamwork and cooperation (leadership of group work; willingness to cooperate; ability to take into account the opinions of others; proactive action and fulfilment of the agreed role within the team);
- professionalism (analysis, sequencing, coordination of artistic work tasks and the selection of methods and ways of working following the standards of the profession);
- flexibility in managing change (flexible operation in different social (domestic and foreign) environments, artistic and cultural contexts, in participating in interdisciplinary projects, understanding of artistic and cultural plurality);
- networking (ability to make contacts inside and outside organizations, and managing formal and informal relationships);
- highly developed artistic and artistic-research ethics, and humanistic values at work in all work environments;
- general knowledge and a wide range of knowledge in the field of art and the ability to create a quality artwork.
In the framework of the Interdisciplinary doctoral study programme in ART, ARCHITECTURE addresses practice-based artistic architectural research. In comparison with painting and sculpture, ARCHITECTURE connects structural and technical knowledge with usability and design.
ARCHITECTURE is manifested in singularity. In the singularity, that tends towards overcoming the existing, criteria, rules, norms, in short, the known. The art of ARCHITECTURE deals with the character and design of space, composition, proportions, textures, harmony of materials, light, etc. The creative process in the artistic realm is an ambiguous cluster of conscious, and unconscious, rational and emotional, objective and subjective, explicit and tacit, mysterious. Therefore, each creative process is mostly autobiographic, the artistic work is a reflection of the author’s personality. In this sense, the interdisciplinary doctoral study programme in ART is, in the area of ARCHITECTURE, intended for individual research, development and formulation of the doctoral researcher’s creative sensitivity.
The number of enrolment spots for each academic year is determined by the call for enrolment.
Applicants for enrolment into the first study year can apply for the study within the time limit and in the manner laid down in the call for enrolment into doctoral study programmes, which the University publishes in February on the website.
Enrolment into the first year takes place in September at the members that are coordinators of individual artistic fields. The exact dates of enrolment are published on the website
The enrolment and all procedures relating to the acquisition of the title Doctor of Arts shall be carried out by the member coordinating the relevant artistic field. Enrolment in the artistic field of fine arts and design takes place at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design; enrolment in the artistic field of music at the Academy of Music; enrolment in the artistic field of theatre, radio, film and television at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television; enrolment in the artistic field in landscape architecture at the Biotechnical Faculty; enrolment in the artistic field of architecture at the Faculty of Architecture; and enrolment in the artistic field of textile and clothing design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.
The candidate and the University of Ljubljana sign an education contract upon enrolment into each year of the doctoral study programme.
Admission requirements
The following graduates can enroll in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART:
• second-cycle study programs.
• existing study programmes for obtaining a university degree, adopted before 11 June 2004;
• previous study programs for the acquisition of a master’s degree in art or a master’s degree in science or specialization after the completion of the study programme for the acquisition of a university degree, adopted before 11 June 2004; for enrolment in doctoral study programs of the 3rd level, the relevant member body recognizes study obligations on the proposal of the coordinator of the field responsible for doctoral studies in the amount of at least 60 credit points;
• study programmes educating for professions regulated by the European Union directives or other uniform master’s study programs valued at 300 ECTS credits;
• foreign universities and academies (including art colleges), following the prescribed conditions as apply to students of the Republic of Slovenia; the equivalence of education previously acquired abroad is established in the procedure of recognition of foreign education for continuing education following the Statute of the University of Ljubljana;
• study programmes for obtaining specialization of those graduates who have previously completed a higher professional programme. Before enrolling in the third-cycle study programme, the programme council of the doctoral study programme Art sets these candidates additional obligations in the amount of 30-60 credit points.
Candidates must submit a written consent of the mentor and possible co-mentor and short conceptual design of the artistic research work upon enrolment at the latest.
Selection criteria in the event of enrolment limits
The selection of candidates will be based on the success of the completed studies and the achievements in the artistic and professional fields. The individual selection elements will be evaluated as follows:
• results in the 2nd level study (average grade at least 8): 10%
• assessment of the expert commission achieved on the test of artistic talent (90%):
◦ the topic proposal, the draft of the doctoral study plan: 25%
◦ portfolio of works of art to date: 25%
◦ interview with the candidate: 40%
At the proposal of the field coordinator, the competent body of the membership coordinator of the field responsible for doctoral studies decides on the suitability of the candidate.
Candidates for enrolment in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Art where additional knowledge and skills are listed as a condition are recognized with knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired through prior formal, non-formal, or experiential learning. The following will be considered in the recognition: certificates and other relevant documents or evidence of completed courses, summer schools, and other forms of education, published/publicly presented works of art of candidates will be evaluated. Awards and recognitions received by the candidate in relevant fields will be considered, including evidence of acquired artistic work experience in relevant fields. Applications for recognition of previously acquired knowledge and skills will be considered and evaluated by a member’s expert commission on the proposal of the field coordinator.
The tuition fee is paid individually for each study year or for each year that the student enrols in.
The tuition fees are published in the price list adopted by the UL Governing Board:
Scholarship Opportunities
For information about scholarship opportunities, please visit:
Candidates must submit a written consent of the mentor and possible co-mentor and short conceptual design of the artistic research work upon enrolment at the latest.
The mentor and co-mentor in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART is a higher education professor at the University of Ljubljana with an appropriate title who has demonstrated artistic activity in the last five years, is recognizable in terms of repercussions in the wider international space, mastery of expressive media, artistic originality and spontaneity and innovation under the University of Ljubljana habilitation criteria (Rules on criteria and procedure for awarding recognitions of important works of art as a condition for election to the title at the University of Ljubljana).
In the case of scientific and artistic research, a mentoring group is appointed in which the participating mentor and co-mentor meet the conditions for mentoring/co-mentoring in a doctorate of science or a doctorate of art.
The mentor’s task is to guide the student in their studies and to provide the conditions for work.
The list of potential mentors is published on the website
The interdisciplinary doctoral study programme Arts consists of organised forms of study in the range of 60 credits, while the remaining 180 credits are devoted to individual artistic research work for the doctoral dissertation. Each member organises and ensures the full implementation of the doctoral programme in the fields under their coordination, and in cooperation with the mentor provides for the uninterrupted research work of the student.
Content and structure of the programme (by year)
The structure of the implementation of the programme by year is designed to place greater emphasis on organised forms of study at the beginning of the first and part of the second year; later, there is a growing emphasis on artistic research and the preparation of the doctoral dissertation.
5 ECTS – Research in Art I
5 ECTS – Theories of Art
5 ECTS – Compulsory Core Course from the field in which the student is enrolled
10 ECTS – Art Seminar I (participation in comparable activities, artistic activity, activity in written text as a connection between conceptual and practical work)
35 ECTS – Individual Artistic Research Work - YEAR: 60 ECTS
5 ECTS – Research in Art II
5 ECTS – External Elective Subject
5 ECTS – Presentation of the Topic of the Doctoral Dissertation
45 ECTS – Individual Artistic Research Work - YEAR: 60 ECTS
10 ECTS – Art Seminar II (participation in comparable activities, artistic activity, activity in written text as a connection between conceptual and practical work)
50 ECTS – Individual Artistic Research Work - YEAR: 60 ECTS
50 ECTS – Individual Artistic Research Work
5 ECTS – Presentation of the Results of the Artistic Research Work
5 ECTS – Public Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation
Registration of the doctoral dissertation topic
By the beginning of the summer semester in the 2nd year of study, doctoral students apply for approval of the topic of the doctoral thesis.
Ensuring mobility
Doctoral candidates can choose 5 credits of optional content from other UL programmes and comparable programmes of foreign universities, in agreement with their mentor and the artistic field coordinator, thus giving the candidate the possibility of performing artistic work abroad and learning about various artistic research practices.
The schedules of the basic subjects shall be published on the website at the beginning of September; the schedules of the elective subjects will be published after enrolment, after it has become known how many students have chosen each subject and in what form it will take place.
The programme is composed of three types of courses:
• Core Courses
• Art Doctoral Seminars
• Individual Artistic Research Work
In order to ensure knowledge of the field, the student selects courses within the scope of 20 ECTS in the selected field of the study programme, including a core course from the field in which the student has enrolled. The student selects the courses required by the interdisciplinary nature of the study programme from the courses offered by academies and faculties as courses with the possibility of linking between artistic fields. The content flexibility provides for a range of content according to the candidate’s study programme. The student demonstrates individual artistic research work by organising and carrying out activities that are closely related to their own work and by participating in them. In agreement with the mentor, the student registers for core courses in the extent of 20 ECTS.
Core Courses
The core courses are designed according to the artistic fields and provide the knowledge necessary for artistic research work in the selected field. These courses first discuss the broadest theoretical framework of research, then examine the research methodology, the different methods of artistic research and the methods of presenting research results. The basic methodological and theoretical subjects are mandatory for all students, regardless of the selected field of the study programme.
Each field has provided for one mandatory core course in the scope of 10 credits.
Core Courses
Artistic Field: Course
Fine Arts: Fine Arts
Design: Design
Music/Music Composition and Interpretation
Theatre, Radio, Film and Television: Performing and Audio-Visual Arts
Architecture and Landscape Architecture: Conceptualisation of Architecture and Landscape Architecture as an Artistic Practice
Textile and Fashion Design: Contemporary Textile and Clothing Practices
All study fields: Research in Art I
All study fields: Research in Art II
All study fields: Theories of Art
Requirements for advancement from the 1st to the 2nd cycle of the doctoral study are subject to study obligations in the range of at least 60 credits from organized forms of education.
By the beginning of the summer semester in the 2nd year of study, doctoral students apply for approval of the topic of the doctoral thesis.
Candidates who have completed all study obligations of the 1st and the 2nd year in the amount of 120 credit points and obtained a positive assessment of the doctoral student’s monitoring commission regarding the adequacy of the doctoral thesis topic can advance to the 3rd year of doctoral study.
Candidates who have completed all study obligations from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year and have an approved doctoral dissertation topic at the Senate of the University of Ljubljana can advance to the 4th year. The last, the 4th year is intended for artistic research work, execution of works of art/projects, and the production and defence of a doctoral thesis.
Following the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, the results of the exam are assessed with grades from 5 to 10, with grades from 6 to 10 considered a positive grade. Study obligations can also be assessed by grades: passed with distinction, passed, or failed.
Students’ artistic work and knowledge are assessed by individual subjects and other study units, as provided for in the individual curriculum.
To complete the study and obtain the artistic title of Doctor of Arts, the student must complete all study obligations determined by the programme successfully and publicly defend the doctoral dissertation in the total amount of 240 ECTS successfully. The obligation of a doctoral student is at least a public presentation of the results of artistic research work (upon submission of the doctoral work for evaluation) which is recognized as appropriate by individual artistic disciplines. The doctoral student must submit evidence of the first authorship of the work of art and its public presentation at the latest when submitting the doctoral thesis for evaluation.
A public presentation of a work of art is considered to be an art, design, music, audio-visual, performance, architectural, landscape architectural or related work of art that meets at least one of the following conditions – that it has been publicly presented, played, performed, produced, published, awarded or nominated for an award, reviewed at home or outside Slovenia at a presentation of national or international importance.
Doctoral thesis
The doctoral thesis is the result of a multi-year art research project. It must represent an original contribution to the arts which receives a positive assessment by the doctoral student monitoring committee. Above all, the doctoral thesis must follow three principles: the problem under consideration must be relevant, the student must master the methodology of artistic research, and the results must represent an original contribution to art.
The doctoral dissertation is a stand-alone and original contribution in the artistic field of the dissertation. The doctoral dissertation is written in Slovenian with a comprehensive summary in English.
The UL Senate may exceptionally authorise the writing of the dissertation in the English language in the event that the candidate is a foreign national, or if the candidate’s mentor or co-mentor is a foreign national, or if a member of the commission is a foreign national.
The candidate for a doctorate in the arts must submit the finished doctoral dissertation to the member faculty leading the proceedings at the latest within four years of the date of the dissertation topic approval.
The defence of the dissertation is public, which is ensured by public announcement seven days prior to the defence. On the proposal of the member faculty where the candidate successfully defended their doctoral dissertation, the rector shall promote a Doctor of Arts.
Artistic title
After completing the study, artistic, and research obligations determined by the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART successfully, the candidate receives the artistic title of Doctor of Arts.
The competent body of a member decides on the fulfilment of the conditions for the transition between study programs and the recognition of obligations following the Statute of the University of Ljubljana and the Criteria for transitions between study programs based on an individual application of the candidate.
Transition to the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART is possible if the candidate has previously ceased education in another programme of the same level, which, at the end of the study, ensures the acquisition of comparable competencies or learning outcomes or if the criteria for recognition of knowledge acquired before enrolment into the programme, according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), recognizes at least half of the obligations from the first study programme, which relate to the compulsory subjects of the second study programme.
The following may be recognized in the transition:
• comparable study obligations that the student completed in the first study programme;
• comparable informally acquired knowledge.
The student demonstrates previously acquired knowledge with appropriate documents.
The following criteria shall be taken into account for transitions between programmes:
• meeting the conditions for enrolment in the study programme,
• the scope of available places.
When moving from one study programme to another, the exams and other study obligations are recognized to the student, taking into account the content, scope, and complexity of the knowledge required by the study programme. A candidate may advance to the higher year of the study programme if their obligations from the first study programme in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad are recognized to an appropriate extent. Following the provisions of the tender, candidates submit an application and the following evidence: curriculum of the previous study programme, curricula of subjects taken in the previous study programme, proof of success in each subject, statement of the selected mentor on the mentoring, conceptual design of artistic research work, and other evidence by which they demonstrate artistic talent.
Business sector
Doctors of art will be able to place themselves in development (economy), marketing (economic performance), and the field of user understanding (humanism). Their focus on the economy enables the interdisciplinarity of the art professions as an activity that contributes as much as possible to the higher quality and competitiveness of products, services, and systems and thus to higher added value. Cultural and creative industries are, therefore, one of the key promoters of the success of the economy and the bearers of the culture and identity of society.
Doctors of arts in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART will work in key areas of non-economy wherever art and related forms of cultural and creative activities are involved in the processes. They will sovereignly take jobs in public institutions (museums, galleries, philharmonics), public and state administration, and non-governmental and non-profit organizations. They will be able to work in institutions that require art education or institutions engaged in artistic research, production, and reproduction (orchestras, choirs), both internationally and nationally.
Doctors of art will be employable in cultural institutions in art and media. They will work in the areas to which their acquired research skills relate (integration processes in society and pedagogical activity). Doctors of art will be qualified to work in education at university and higher education level and skilled, independent, and proactive in leading basic, applied, or developmental (interdisciplinary) research programs and projects in art.
The interdisciplinary doctoral study programme of Arts is designed to facilitate international exchange at all levels of programme implementation, from research-artistic and experimental work to the exchange of subjects of comparable programmes of other universities on the basis of international treaties and bilateral agreements. International exchange is also possible through the participation of visiting professors at the member faculties and through participation in mobility programmes for students (Erasmus, Socrates, Ceepus and others). The programme is also open to foreign students. Cooperation with other higher education and research institutions abroad takes place in the framework of artistic research projects, with the participation of foreign professors in individual subjects, (co)mentorships and cooperation in the evaluation and defence of doctoral dissertations.
The University of Ljubljana cooperates with a number of foreign universities with which it has concluded cooperation agreements and in which international cooperation also takes place in the fields of art. The programme council decides on the comparability of the quality of the courses from the programmes of other universities. The international exchange takes place on the basis of international treaties and agreements signed by the University of Ljubljana and its members.
The Programme Council of the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Art has eleven members: two members each from UL AG, UL AGRFT, UL ALUO, and one member each from UL BF, UL FA, UL FF, UL NTF, and UL PEF. The term of office of The Programme Council is four years. The seat of The Programme Council is at UL ALUO. After the term of office, The Programme Council continues to perform tasks until the constitution of the new one, which is appointed by the Senate of the University of Ljubljana.
Fine Arts and Design
Field coorinator:
Field coorinator:
Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
Field coorinator:
Landscape Architecture
Field coorinator:
Field coorinator:
Textile and Fashion Design
Field coorinator:
Postgraduate studies offices at the University members coordinating individual scientific fields
Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Contact: Snežana Jurić Pangeršič
Phone: +386 1 4212 514
Academy of Music
Contact: Tim Kostrevc
Phone: +386 1 2427 315
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
Contact: Breda Rues Erbežnik
Phone: + 386 1 2510 412
Biotechnical Faculty
Contact: Vesna Ješe Janežič
Phone: +386 1 3203 027
Faculty of Architecture
Contact: Katja Knez, Mojca Rozman
Phone: +386 1 2000 774, +386 1 2000 782
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Contact: Lavrinc Barbara, Majda Štrakl
Phone: +386 1 2003 209, +386 1 4704 647
Office of Doctoral Studies of the UL
(University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12,
Ljubljana, Slovenia)
The interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Art adheres to principles of Rules and Regulations on Doctoral Studies dealing with its mode and implementation as follows:
- University of Ljubljana publishes the Call for Enrolment into the Doctoral Programme in ART. The Call for Enrolment has to adhere to the Statute of the University of Ljubljana and includes guidelines for artistic fields selection as well as information on available number of study places.
- Applications are collected at the University of Ljubljana and submitted to the Programme Council.
- Before enrolment, the candidate chooses a mentor from the selected field of art and prepares a brief conceptual design of the artistic research work.
- The candidate and the University of Ljubljana sign the education contract upon the candidate’s enrolment in the first year of doctoral studies.
- The enrolment and all procedures necessary to obtain the doctoral degree are in the domain of the faculty that coordinates the respective artistic field.
- The member faculty shall fully organise and ensure the implementation of the doctoral programme in the fields coordinated by:
◦ The UL Senate shall propose the members of the programme council,
◦ appoint a field coordinator,
◦ keep records relating to studies and students,
◦ organise and arrange for the implementation of lectures and other study obligations in its subjects (lecturers, room, schedules, informing professors and students etc.),
◦ organise and arrange, in cooperation with the mentor, the implementation of study obligations carried out by other faculties (elective subjects),
◦ report on the implementation of the programme of each field to the Programme Council. - The procedure for registering the doctoral dissertation theme is led by the Senate of the member faculty at which candidate is enrolled. The thesis is approved by the Senate of the University of Ljubljana.
- On the proposal of the member faculty, at which the candidate successfully defended their doctoral thesis, the rector performs a promotion for the Doctor of Arts.
- Bodies and decision-making Programme Council:
The composition is defined in the section “Programme Council” of the presentation proceedings.
Responsibilities of the Programme Council:
• planning the number of enrolment spots and forwarding it to the Senate of the coordinator,
• deciding on the selection of students in the event of restricted enrolment,
• adopting a plan for the implementation of the interdisciplinary programme for the coming academic year,
• preparing a proposal for the tuition fees and other possible costs for the interdisciplinary programme and forwarding it to the senates of the signatory parties,
• considering and adopting a report on the implementation of the interdisciplinary programme and a financial report for each year, and forwarding them to the management of the signatories,
• monitoring the quality and carrying out annual self-evaluations of the study programme,
• on the basis of the results of the self-evaluation, formulating amendments to the interdisciplinary programme,
• preparing any applications to tenders related to the interdisciplinary programme,
• formulating positions and giving opinions on substantive issues relating to the interdisciplinary programme,
• carrying out all other activities for the uninterrupted organisation and implementation of studies.
Field co-ordinators have the following responsibilities:
• ensuring the regular implementation of the study process,
• ensuring the coordination of work with students, mentors, and lecturers,
• ensuring timely replacement of absent teachers in the study process,
• supervising the improvement and updating of study programmes by:
• making proposals to the senate of the parent faculty,
• co-signing student curricula,
• participating in the preparation of annual reports on the implementation of the study programme.
Rules about procedures for obtaining the artistic title of Doctor of Arts (level of qualification: SQF level 10, EQF level 8, EQ-EHEA level Third cycle) in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme in ART are published at