Tutoring at FA

At the Faculty of Architecture, we offer introductory tutoring for first-year students, tutoring for foreign students, as well as tutoring for students with special status.

Why is tutoring important?

The university defines tutoring as a form of systematic guidance, offered to students throughout their studies, especially in terms of their personal growth. As of recently, tutoring has been implemented as part of a new strategy by FA to improve communication between students and professors, further strengthening their relationship. In any case, advice from students that have already completed your study programme can always come in handy.

Tutoring at FA

At the Faculty of Architecture we organize different types of tutoring: introductory tutoring for first year students, tutoring for foreign students, as well as tutoring for students with special status.

Who is a tutor?

Tutors are students who offer advice and support to their colleagues with regards to their studies.

More information on tutoring: https://www.uni-lj.si/studij/osnovne_informacije/tutorstvo/

Tutoring Coordinator

izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Novljan, tomaz.novljan@fa.uni-lj.si  

Introductory Tutoring for First Year Students

izr. prof. dr. Jaka Bonča, jaka.bonca@fa.uni-lj.si
doc. dr. Domen Kušar, domen.kusar@fa.uni-lj.si

Tutoring for Students with Special Status

doc. dr. Lara Slivnik, lara.slivnik@fa.uni-lj.si
Mojca Rozman, Head of the Student Affairs Office, mojca.rozman@fa.uni-lj.si

Tutoring for Foreign Students

doc. dr. Matevž Juvančič, matevz.juvancic@fa.uni-lj.si