Tch. Asst.
Martin Valinger Sluga

M. Sc.

  • Duties and responsibilities
    Young Researcher

He completed the Master’s program MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) at the University of Stuttgart (master’s thesis: Transformative potential of urban alternatives – The role of alternative spatial practice in public participation). Prior to this, he completed the undergraduate study program in Urbanism (UŠU) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana.
So far, he has been involved in community-oriented urban planning projects in Slovenia, Germany, France, Italy, Egypt, and Croatia.
In his research work, he explores spatial and socio-cultural aspects of urban transformations and the development of integrated and collaborative approaches in urbanism. His doctoral dissertation critically examines the concept of urban resilience in the port cities of the northeastern Adriatic.
He is a member of the international research group PortCityFutures (TU Delft, Leiden University, Erasmus University).

Scientific research activity

Planning ports in proximity: Koper and Trieste after 1945.
Scientific article

Valinger Sluga, M., & Ažman Momirski, L. (2024). Planning ports in proximity: Koper and Trieste after 1945. Planning Perspectives, 39(3), 725–745.

Urban Transformation of Post-Socialist Cities in Former Yugoslavia: Case Study of Ljubljana na mednarodni konferenci Three Decades of Post Socialist Transition na TU Darmstadt
Contribution to a conference

Predstavitev raziskovalnega prispevka Urban Transformation of Post-Socialist Cities in Former Yugoslavia: Case Study of Ljubljana na mednarodni konferenci Three Decades of Post Socialist Transition na TU Darmstadt (2019).

Preobrazba degradiranega industrijskega območja Mlaka na Reki: prostorska ureditev begunske soseske
Professional article

VALINGER SLUGA, Martin. Preobrazba degradiranega industrijskega območja Mlaka na Reki: prostorska ureditev begunske soseske. Urbani izziv. Posebna izdaja. 2017, št. 7, str. 108-116, ilustr. ISSN 2232-481X. [COBISS.SI-ID 2866627]

Transformation of industrial brownfield Mlaka in Rijeka: Spatial arrangement of refugee neighbourhood

Študentsko priznanje na 26. Salonu urbanizma v Nišu za raziskovalno-projektno nalogo Transformation of industrial brownfield Mlaka in Rijeka: Spatial arrangement of refugee neighbourhood (2017).